Chapter 6 - Feeding

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Things to remember for this chapter:

(y/n) - your name

(s/n) - son's name

(d/n) - daughter's name

(h/c) - hair colour

(e/c) - eye colour


It was lunch time and you walked into the dining room to see a maid trying to spoon feed (s/n) (who is sitting in his baby chair) a vegetable flavoured baby food. "(s/n)-sama please open your mouth" You heard the maid asked kindly, but (s/n) pouted and turned his head away and the maid sighed. 

"Is something the matter Akira?" You asked, the maid known as Akira turned her head and saw you and stood up from her kneeling position and bowed. She explained the problem to you and you nodded in understanding, you walked towards her and placed your hand on her shoulder and said "Raise your head Akira, it's alright. I'll feed him" she smiled at you once she stood up straight and excused herself to get your lunch. You sat in front of (s/n) in which he turned around and smiled in which you smiled back in return and placed a kiss on his cheek which he giggled. "Come (s/n) say ah" you said as you picked up the spoon and bowl that contains the baby food that he refuses to eat. (s/n) pouts angrily and turned his head and said "No!"

" (s/n)  " you said in a stern tone but he doesn't budge. You sighed and said "If you don't eat, you won't be a great emperor like your daddy" this caught his attention and he glanced at you but his head is still facing to the right. 

You smirked and continued, "Don't you want to be as big, as strong, handsome and absolute as your daddy?" (s/n) turned his head slowly and have his head down still pouting hesitating on what to do. The both of you heard a chuckle from the door entrance of the dining room and you turned around while (s/n) looked up and his eyes shined at the sight "PAPA!!!" (s/n) called out excitedly, Akashi smirked and walked up to you both still in his suite since he just came back from work.

"You finished quite early" you stated

"Yeah, I want to come back and have lunch and spend time with my loved ones" he replied as he ruffled the red locks of his son in which (s/n) smiled in delight at the contact. 

"Sei, say something to him" You begged him, Akashi chuckled and pulled out another chair and sat down next to you and took the bowl from you. "Come (s/n) , you want to be absolute like me right?" He asked

"Mmmmhmmmmm!" (s/n) nodded happily and Akashi picked up the spoon and said "Good, now ah" With his eyes closed (s/n) opened his mouth happily and Akashi fed him and you giggled at the scene.

"You really love daddy don't you (s/n) ?" You asked, (s/n) looked at you and grinned. "I wuv mama too!" he exclaimed and your heart melted, Akashi glanced at you and smiled, "And I love you too" He said and you giggled. 

Akira and some other servants all went on a moe moe roller coaster ride when they watched the small Akashi family bonding.



You were spoon feeding your son who was eating happily with his eyes closed and hummed a bit after each bite. Aomine walked into the dining room and sat down next to you. "Feed me" He said and you just rolled your eyes. You put (s/n)'s food down and walked to the kitchen to get your husband's dinner. Aomine looked at his son and (s/n) pouted at him, " (s/n) why do you hate me?" Aomine asked. 

(s/n) doesn't hate him, he's more of a mama's boy instead, so he sees him a bit more like a rival. Aomine took the bowl and raised the spoon and said "Here ah" Before you walked in you hid behind a wall to see what your son will do. (s/n) pouted and looked away refusing to eat. Aomine was not fazed and was somewhat patience at waiting for (s/n) to eat, after a few more minutes, he opened his mouth and took a bite from the food that Aomine was spoon feeding him. Aomine smiled and he continued to spoon feed him while you were behind the wall silently squealing at the cuteness of both your son and husband.

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