Author's note

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It's been a while since I have updated any of my stories and I apologize for that, many things happened during my absence (other than exams and presentations). I have broken up with my boyfriend for 6 years and was dealing with writer's block. And during this entire time (the writer's block) I have decided that this story... you can say it is discontinued but at the same time you can't. I will be continuing this story but all the characters will not be placed together so for some or many of you readers do not need to scroll all the way to your dearest husbands (aka: your favourite characters... but i'm not wrong, right?). Anyways, as I was saying... I will still work on the story but putting them all in their own individual books. 

I will put the links of the new/continued stories of this book in this note later on. Sorry about this sudden notice. 

Kuroko no Family (Reader x KnB)(Discontinued mentioned in Author's Note)Where stories live. Discover now