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I quickly curled myself to protect Baby from the gunshot, but I could not feel any pain. I looked at the soldier's clueless face. I realized the rifle was empty. Without thinking I dashed to the opposite path of the soldier as he quickly searches his belt for a magazine.

I ran as fast as I could, not wanting to look back. Baby was at my chest, still in the sarong looking at me with his exhausted face. I followed the path which I'm sure leads to the edge of this forest, hoping I might lose the soldier to the wilderness. I quickly glanced over my shoulder and to my relief, there was no man chasing after us. That did not stop me from coming to a halt. I continued sprinting through the forest while dodging the giant roots and weeds that conquered the forest floor.

"Hold on there, little one, we're almost out of here," I said as I gasped for air.

I could see the trees thinning and the sun breaking through the slimming canopy. I knew we're almost at the edge and my adrenaline was slowly wearing off. I took another glance over my shoulder and there wasn't any soul coming after us.

The forest came to a stop and was replaced by green flatlands. I slowed my pace and pushed my back on a tree near the edge, panting heavily. I breathed in loudly as my heart was pushing against my ribs. I sat on the ground, slowly grasping the sarong baby was in, making sure he's well-fixed.

A couple of seconds past and there were no sign of soldiers in the forest. I cleared my heads and looked up at what had faced me. A large landscape of green paddy field. The field was flat, allowing me to see beyond the end of it. There were group of trees and on its rear was a village.

"There's a village, Nebut, we could find something to eat there!" My voice shook as my heartbeat searched for its rhythm. I looked at Baby who was giving me his smile. He made some low dull rumbling sounds. "What is that? Are you hungry, my little Nebut?" I asked with a smile. The village isn't much further. The sun was up giving the paddy field the light it needed. It wasn't hot, but I was still sweating from the marathon I just went through.

I walked past the paddy fields and was now close to a village. There were some banana trees on the edge of the paddy field. I went and picked a couple of yellow bananas which had little black moulds on the skin. I blew on to the two fruits I picked and placed on near Baby's legs which he tried and failed to reach. I peeled one and carefully broke a tiny piece and placed on Baby's mouth.

"Do you like that Nebut? It's sweet isn't it?" I said as I broke one for myself.

Baby chewed on the fruit and continued sticking his tongue out for more. I fed him another tiny chunk and continued to walk into the village.

There was no sign of any villagers walking about or sitting on the house porch. The houses looked dark and lifeless. There was only silence followed by soft coos of birds from the nearby trees. I felt insecure walking in the middle of the village not knowing what lies within the empty houses. I wanted to yell but was afraid of who might greet us.

I walked up to one of the wooden houses. Empty. It was a barren dwelling with no soul living in it. I continued to walk towards a tiny kitchen to find some water for Nebut and me but there wasn't any. I head myself out of the house and kept walking further.

Suddenly, I heard some noises coming out from a house on my path. I collected my might and walked towards it. I stood on the front door of the house and waited to make myself sure that I heard something from this wooden house.

I walked up the stairs and went in. As I opened the door, a strong malodourous stench hit my face. The sounds came back, and it was from the kitchen. Baby felt uncomfortable with the smell setting on him. My curiosity took over me as I took my steps towards the kitchen.

As I reached closer, the stench felt denser. I took a peek from the edge of the kitchen entranced and saw nothing. As I moved my eyes towards the floor, I found the source. A dead woman on the floor with her eyes gazing on the roof. Her body started to twitch a little. My heartbeat rose as I took a closer look. There were a group of rats chewing through her skins as blood spurted out. There were rats coming out of her sarong with blood all over them. My stomach pinched itself as I gagged a little.

I quickly turned around and sprinted across the hall and through back door. I ran far from the house without any second thoughts. My limbs started to tremble like leaves and sweat began to gush out of my skin. Vomit pushed itself out of my stomach, but I forced myself and swallowed as much saliva as I can to prevent myself from throwing up. I continued to walk further from the house. I was back n the path which leads out of the village.

Baby looked at me with such peculiarity but this time he had the banana I placed near his legs on his hands. I slowly pulled it out of his hands which he made a little grunt.

"I'm sorry Nebut," I said to him and peeled the banana.

I fed him some and myself the rest as I continued walking down the route which leads to another big pathway. As I continued walking, I began to smell something burning. I ignored it and continued walking, slightly quickening my pace. The sun was now on top of us. The heat took over the air further signifying the burning smell.

As I reached the near edge of the village. I noticed a slight tint of smoke rising from the side of the last house on the edge. I was forced to walk towards it as I myself was heading to the pathway at the end of this village.

The house was my left and the smell of the smoke was stronger than ever. Reaching the side, I saw something that I knew would never leave my thoughts to the end of times. A pile of half burnt dead bodies. The villagers. There were more than fifty dead bodies, some burnt to the bones and others with thick black rotten skin.

I could not control my stomach this time as I gagged uncontrollably and vomited on the spot I was standing. I held on to the sarong close to my chest and made sure Baby did not see my ill actions.

"I'm okay, Nebut, don't worry," I said as I wiped my mouth and ran past the sight of hell.

I reached the pathway and continued walking along it. My head felt heavy and woozy after the vomit. My stomach grumbled and constantly clenched itself. I noticed that I wasn't walking straight and sat on side of the dirt road and tried to calm myself.

I started seeing white flashes before I slowly faded into the darkness.



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