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The evening sun sets below the orchards as the rain started to drizzle. The scent of the rain found its way into the house. The clanking noise of the zinc roof became intense as the rain grew stronger.

I rested my chin on the window frame looking at the mango orchards behind the house. Ripe yellow mangoes glowed under the delicate shine of the evening sun travelling past the raindrops. Birds hid under the tree canopy, juddering itself to dry off the wet feathers.

Father was sitting behind me, his hands holding the armrests firmly. I knew he was nervous, but he tried not to show them. I looked at him and let out a smile.

"What are you smiling about Jantu?" he said.

"You look funny pok, when you're nervous," I replied, still smiling.

I hoped that my smile would distract him from his anxious behaviour. He stood up and walked towards me. He placed his hand on my head, slowly combing my hair with his large fingers.

"Is mahk going to be okay pok? Can I be with her? I asked with a faint voice.

"She's going to be fine Jantu, she gave birth to you right in that room before and I'm sure it will all be over soon,"


"Hush now, the women are working. Let's not disturb them," he ended our conversation.

There were 5 womenfolk in that room with mahk, making sure that she delivers the baby without any harm. There were muffled noises coming from that room. Probably advising her not to do this and that. Mahk is a strong woman and I'm sure she can handle this. I just thought that maybe me being in there would keep her a little calm. But I knew that it is no place for a young girl like me to be in. She's going to be fine. I knew it.

Mahk started to groan a little. She was in pain. The women started to prepare themselves and the sound of them walking around the room can be heard throughout the house.

Suddenly, mahk uttered a loud cry. It was time.

"Pok?" I looked at his face, hoping for a solution.

"Let's go outside to the orchard, okay?" Pok said with a shaky voice.

The rain had stopped but the ground was still wet and muddy. The birds have come out of their hiding and flew around the orchard, perhaps searching for a prey. The smell of the rain was still fresh and strong, the air was cold and moist.

Pok held my hand and lead me into the orchard. His hand was warm and wet, but I wasn't complaining. I knew why he brought me here. I am old enough to understand but I am still a little child for my Pok.

"I always wanted to teach you something but couldn't find the time, perhaps now is an appropriate time for that," he said kneeling down to my height.

"Really?" I replied with a hint of sarcasm.

"Let's make some clay marble, shall we?" he stated with a grin.

"A clay marble? What is that?" I asked.

"Here, let me show you," he said while looking around the orchard ground.

Pok walked towards a small puddle near one of the mango trees and scooped a handful of mud.

"Jantu, come here"

"Is that mud Pok?" I asked.

"It's clay, my dear. You will find it easier to scoop them up when the soil is wet" he said as the mud slowly dribbled off his hands.

"Here, hold out your hands," he said.

I cupped my hands as the cool mud flowed into my hands. It was all sludgy and wet but was fun to hold on to it.

In a sudden, mahk started to scream. The absence of sound in the orchard has been broken by the cries from her lungs. I looked at our house only to be shattered by the loud cry of mahk. She continued to scream in agony but there was nothing I could do.

"Look at me sweetheart, mahk is going to be fine. The baby must have started to come out," he uttered while looking at the window of the room she was in. "Let's finish off our clay marble shall we?" he continued.

I was silent. My hands were shaking from those screams. The mud had started to leak from the gaps of my fingers.

"Let me help you with that," he stood up and went to the basin filled with water near the well. He washed off the mud from his hands and came back to me.

"Alright, hold your hands horizontally, and start rolling the mud between your palms" he instructed while holding onto my hands. He continued to help me roll the mud until it started to collect itself into a sphere. When I opened my palms, there was a small brown ball of mud cupped in it.

"It's just a mud ball," I said.

"No, it's a marble Jantu," pok said. His eyes were sparkling, he blew on it. "There! Now it's a magic marble." Round and cool, it was solid enough to be a marble. I glanced at him and smiled.

"Thank you, pok" I said.

Mahk let out another scream, only this time it was loud. Very loud. It lasted for a couple of seconds and then silence. The whole house was soundless and still.

Father promptly stood up and ran to the back door. I was still sitting there, my body felt dumb as I couldn't move my legs. Then, I heard it. Tiny cries filling the silence. I quickly regained my strength and ran back to the house.

I peeked through the curtains of the room. My eager eyes wanting to see something tiny. A little baby. The room was full of womenfolk and I saw Pok sitting on the side of the bed. He was holding on to something. I couldn't see what it was.

"Pok?" I said softly.

"Jantu – come in my dear," it was mahk!

I slowly squeezed myself past the women and there they were. Mahk was lying on the bed with her eyes blackened and watery. Pok was sitting by her holding a blanket with tiny hands sprouting from it.

"Come closer Jantu, come look at your baby paun," Pok said, lowering his arms slowly.

I looked into the blanket and there he was. The most beautiful little baby I've ever set my eyes upon. He had large bulging red cheeks with a tiny nose and lips. His eyes were still shut, though I could see a tiny bit of whiteness glowing from within the eyelids. His tiny chubby arms and hands were reaching for something.

"Isn't he beautiful, Jantu?" Mahk asked with a wide smile on her face.

"He's perfect," I said without thinking. "What is his name?" I continued.

"Nebut, we're calling him NEBUT," pok answered.

"Do you like it?"

"Yes mahk, I love it,"

My father started to laugh all of a sudden. "Jantu! You're still holding on to that clay marble," he said looking at my dirty brown hands.

I looked down at my palms and there it was. The clay marble. The magical clay marble.


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