New turn!

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Hanna woke up from bed and did not found Alex anywhere in the room.
She rose up from bed and searched for him everywhere in the room. He was not there.
She sat on the bed and looked thouroughly at the black thread....
"Should I trust them? Most importantly, should I trust Alex? What if this thread causes me more problems? Or it can be Alex's friend behind this master plan........." Hanna kept on wondering. She did not know on whom she could trust.

"You're finally awake." Alex said as he dried his hands with a towel.

Hanna shrugged. "Where were you?"

"First tell me what were you dreaming of?"


Alex hung the towel around his neck and knelt down in front of Hanna. He grabbed her hand and looked at her with a smile.

"Everything will be fine. Don't worry. We've got help." He reassured her.

Hanna felt the warmth of Alex's hands. She smiled at him with a light heart. She now felt like having faith on her husband. She felt better after a very much long time.

"Breakfast is ready. Get ready and come downstairs. quick! I prepared your favorite." Alex winked and got out of the room.


After a warm shower, Hanna walked downstairs and directly in the kitchen. Alex was preparing juice. She saw delicious pancakes on the table. Her mouth watered instantly.
Alex walked towards the table and kept 2 glasses of juice. He then pulled out a chair and asked Hanna to sit.
He served her breakfast and finally sat down to eat. Hanna smiled and started to eat.

"How's it?" Alex asked.

"Delicious... Thanks". Hanna replied with her mouth stuffed with food.

"Where's mom?" He asked.

"I don't know. Didn't see her since yesterday." Hanna replied.

"I met dad when I came home yesterday. But I didn't see mom around. Maybe she's out. She often goes to her friend's house and stays there to babysit her little daughter." Alex concluded.

"Ok but, she didn't inform me before leaving." Hanna said, worried.

"That's mom. She never tell anyone before going somewhere." Alex laughed.

Hanna smiled back and continued eating.
Suddenly, Alex's phone vibrated.
After reading the text message he received, his smile faded and stared at Hanna.

"What happened?" Hanna asked.

"It's Gerald. He is saying that if I've already cleared everything with you then I should take you there immediately. We can't lose time." Alex explained.

"But what we'll do there?" Hanna was confused.

"Gerald's father said that he can help us to find out the real culprit." Alex  explained.

"That's great. We must go as soon as possible." Hanna gained some hope.

Alex nodded: "We'll leave after the breakfast." He said as he texted Gerald back.

Hanna finished her last piece of her pancake and got up to clean the kitchen. Alex helped her and then went for shower.

They started to get ready. Hanna was brushing her hair when she suddenly got the phone call of Mandy.
She was so happy about the return of Alex that she forgot to inform Mandy.

She picked up the call and narrated everything to him.

"I'll accompany you too." Mandy said.

"Are you sure?" Hanna asked.

"Yes." Mandy replied firmly.....


The three reached there after noon and stood in front of the house.

"Do you really think they can help? The atmosphere is quite scary here." Mandy said.

"There's nothing like that. I know Gerald's family since childhood. They are good people." Alex answered.

"I am ready to take any risk." Hanna said.

After the knock, Gerald's mother opened the door and gave them a warm welcome.

"Please. Have a seat". She said.

Gerald appeared in the living room and gave Alex a punch in the arm hereby making Hanna smile. He asked about Mandy who was busy appreciating the decoration of the house. Mandy could feel positive vibes in that house but not as much as those in Granny Sandra's house.

"Oops!.. Let me introduce myself. I am Mandy Fro....." Mandy stopped. He started to cough. Hanna quickly rose up from her seat. Gerald offered him water.

After he had calmed down, he continued. "Excuse me for this. I am Mandy Collins. And I am the doctor of Alex. I am involved in their case."

Gerald felt something fishy about Mandy.
"Hey Alex. I need to show you a file. Come with me." He said as he grabbed Alex arm and directed him towards his room.
Meanwhile, Gerald's father came in the living room.

He smiled at Hanna and said. "My child, give me you hands."

Hanna approached and he grabbed her hands and looked fixed in her eyes.
Mandy watched them thoroughly.


"Do you trust that doctor?" Gerald asked.

"Yes. He knows everything. In fact, he was helping Hanna to find the truth." Alex explained.

"I don't think a doctor would believe in all these things." Gerald affirmed.

"Why are you questioning about him like that?" Alex asked confusingly.

"Because. When he was telling me his name, he was going to say something starting with
'Fro..' , but then he said 'Collins'. Isn't that strange?"

"Hey yeah! You have a point. But why would he lie?" Alex exclaimed.

"Only dad can find this out. Let's go". Gerald said.


Gerald's father released Hanna's hands and said. "It's all very complicated!"

Gerald and Alex entered the room. "What happened". Alex asked.

"Sit down my son". He said and continued. "Hanna. This conspiracy is being done to take revenge."

"But why? I've not wronged anyone." Hanna said.

"Listen to me". Gerald's father said. "The one doing this is using you to take revenge. She is not extracting revenge from you. And she is your family. She is extracting revenge from your father. She is making your dad suffer by hurting you."

"How is possible? I have no family. My father's dead!" Hanna shouted with tears.

Alex's eyes opened wide. Gerald was confused. They both stared at Hanna,not knowing what to say.

"He is not dead". Gerald's father stated as he raised his head and looked at Mandy.

"Wait! This means that Dr Mandy......" Gerald said and paused......

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