Chapter 18

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The boys refused to tell us where the photo shoot was being held the entire trip there. I didn't understand why they wouldn't tell us. They were being really immature about it really.

"Alright fine, we'll tell you." Announced Louis. He leaned himself in closer to me and Tia. "It's being held in a sewer under London. The photographer thought it would be great to have rats running around in the background."

"Oh HA HA." Said Tia sarcastically. "You're so funny."

"You love it." Winked Louis. Tia smiled. I was still yet to find out what was going on between them. Ti and I hadn't really had a proper time to talk about it.

"I don't understand why we're not telling them." Said Niall.

"Cause its funny when they try and guess." Laughed Harry. Some of my guesses included a forest, or somewhere in the city. All of our guesses had apparently been wrong.

"Don't worry we're almost here anyway." Said Liam. He had his arm around me the entire trip. I had gotten used to the goose bumps I got from being near him.

We were driving on a long road with huge trees all around us. The road had been closed off further ahead with police guarding it.

"We can get through right?" I asked. Everyone laughed at me. "What?"

"Hun, the roads closed off for us." Said Zayn. "It's so no one can get in while we're working." They all continued to laugh at my stupid comment the rest of the ride there. Followed by pokes in the stomach by Harry and Louis. It was crazy how close Tia and I had become with the boys during the past week.

We came to a beautiful enclosed park, with old buildings that matched the colors of the clothes the boys were wearing. There was a lake with some park benches surrounding it. The place reminded me a lot of the cottage that Liam had taken me to.

We all got out of the limo and stretched. Liam came up behind me and wrapped his hands around my waist. He kissed me on the cheek and said in my ear, "Does this place remind you of anything?" I nodded. I knew it reminded him of the cottage too. "Me too." He said.

"Alright boys!" Liam let me go, as a bald, rather large man walked over to us. I guessed that he was director. Partly because he had gotten out of a chair that had 'Director' written on it. "So, the basic plot of today's photo shoot is just for you guys to be yourselves and have fun alright?" he sounded really bored and like he was already really sick of it. "Now these photos are going to be put in magazines all around the world, so lets make them good."

We all made our way over to the make-up area. I could tell the boys hated this part. Well, everyone except Zayn, who was actually asking for more mascara.

"Listen girls." Said Joy, pulling us over to the side so no one could see us. "You gotta keep out of the way alright? This director is really strict and sometimes doesn't allow anyone near the sets. Last time I wasn't even allowed over there. So no distractions alright?"

"Okay." Said Tia.

"Yeah no worries." I said. "We'll just watch from a distance."

When the boys had finished make-up, they moved over to the wharf on the lake. It was such a beautiful day. The photos were going to be spectacular.

Tia and I sat ourselves down on a park bench to watch the boys. It was so great to see them all having a laugh and just being themselves. Liam had jumped on Harry's back, and Niall was on Louis', and Zayn tried to jump on top of both of them, but had failed. Everyone crashed down to the ground in pits of laughter. It was hilarious to watch. Then Louis jumped on Harry's back and started smacking his ass.

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