Genetically Engineered Raccoon Roadkill

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Gwen's POV

I took another step towards the muffled cries. Something seemed different than the last time I dealt with this, like this time It's not just a normal mugging. Not something I would normally deal with.

It seemed like almost an eternity, but I finally found myself standing at the edge of the alley. Am I really going to do this? Risk it for most likely a stranger that I will never see again.

I can't not help though, I have to. If something happens to them It will be all on me, sure no one will know, but I will. I take a deep breath then slowly, to not attract attention crouched down and peeked my head around the corner and into the alleyway of the Richard Rogers.

There stood two man, whom, the way they looked could be the evil twins from Tangled. The first, who I'm going to call Steve, had a long scar across his face and the height of literally the Hulk, were talking 6'7. What? So I'm not the tallest person. He had a knife in one had, not a butcher but more of a dagger, wait! The hilt is gold, yep it's a dagger.

The second, who I'm going to call Jeff, because of personal reason. He was slightly smaller that his brother, with just as much muscle. Great! That's exactly what I need right now! Two buff guys and two broken ribs, yay! I can see a holster that looks like it holds a gun. Duh, I mean there's a gun in it. They both had longish hair, like dude! Mullets aren't in anymore!

I go to leave when I hear the same noise, the screams. I whip my head back to the space that I was watching before.

There nelt a man, close torn thrashing his head trying to get this potato bag off his head. Ok that's all I need to see this stops now.

I go to run to them when suddenly Jeff pulls out a needle, no wonder the poor guy is struggling.

"Hey guys whats up," both of their faces turn, you know in horror movies were the villain smiles and it makes you want to scream and vomit at the same time, yeah that's what it looks like right now. "Um I know it's not my place to say but uh, maybe put down the needle... and that gun that you're holding behind your back." I ask it in that way when you're at school and you act like a perfect angle to the teacher so they won't suspect that you just cheated on your test or stuck a piece of gum under your desk, yeah, you know that one, works great especially if you have the eyes for it, and thankfully I do.

"All I'm trying to say is I'm sure this guy here doesn't really like needles, I mean I sure don't." I said it with a sort of studer and pulled my jacket closer to me to hide my face more, can't give my identity away can I. They replied quicker than I thought or Steve did, "Go home kid you don't want to have the outcome that this piece of sh*t has."

It was a pretty normal response, but I want to have some fun with it so I dig deeper. "So then what did he do?" I look over to the man on the ground, he seems familiar, like I've talked to him or i've seen him before. "He's just a side job, none of your business, now go home." He seems fairly calm, so me being me I decide to take this moment to piss him off. "Then let the guy go or I'll have to make you." well that was not what I meant to say. He looked amused, too bad I'm going to have to wipe that smirk off his face. "That's no way to talk to an adult." He reaches into his back pocket to reveal a dagger. "Well, that's not a good reaction, you could really hurt someone with that thing." "Oh, really to bad." I feel hands go around my stomach holding me back. "Hey!" I struggled under Jeff's hold as he tightened his grip on me.

"Let's make this more interesting shall we." Steve said walking towards the man on the floor. "What are you doing?" Without answering Steve kneed the man in the gut, but before the man reached the ground, Steve grabbed him by the color of the shirt. "We could kill you or him?" well I really was not expecting that, but me being me I wasted no time. "Kill me!" It came out fast almost unrecognizable, but it was still me. Without hesitation I had a knife up to my neck, the blade to my keck felt so good, of course I would not admit that, but it felt so easy to just let it happen. I focus all my energy on getting the blade off of my neck when I see Steve rip the bag off of the man's head and hits him once again, I swear that guy's going to have brain damage soon if I don't do something soon. Fwosh. "Hey!" I scream the cool wind hitting my cheeks as my face is revealed to Steve. He smiles menacingly. "So, you are a little girl. Well please show us dear, how you will make us let him go." Man he really should have just taken the easy route. Well here we go.

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