I'm not leaving you | PART 2 | Bellamy x Clarke |

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Someone requested a part two which made me so happy! This one will take place a couple weeks after the last one. I loved the first one and hope the second one is just as good. I'm not 100% sure i love it, but I have SO many ideas for how to write it that I just had to go with one. Let me know if you want another part to it or if you have any other requests. I don't know about you guys but I can't get enough Bellarke!!! Anyway, enjoy and don't forget to vote! 


It's been two weeks since Bellamy and Clarke reunited. Bellamy negotiated with Eligius and made a deal that ensured both of their people's survival. Octavia and the rest of Wonkru were rescued as part of the deal, and now lived in harmony with Bellamy and his space crew. They inhabited part of Eden and for the most part didn't have any issues with Eligius. Overall, things were good. Or, at least, as good as it gets on Earth. 

Bellamy walked into a room in the village - Clarke and Madi's village, to be exact. "Hey." He smiled at the blonde girl he walked in. Clarke looked up and smiled at him too. She was at a wood table sorting berries with Madi.

"Hey, Madi, I think Bellamy and I can take it from here. You can go outside and play with Ethan if you want." Clarke said, taking the half-filled basket of black berries away from Madi's hands.

"Okay! Thanks Bell." She hopped up and gave Bellamy a quick hug before running out the door. Bellamy chuckled and took Madi's empty chair. "So, Madi and Ethan?" He smirked.

"No!" Clarke exclaimed. "Well...," She paused, smirking slightly, "Maybe."

"They grow up fast." Bellamy said and they both laughed. There was a moment of silence, before Bellamy spoke again. "You know, I don't think I've ever mentioned this, but what you did for Madi is really amazing. The way she looks up to you. You're like a mother to her. And to be a mom to her...after all you've been through..." He paused, unsure of how to finish. "You never fail to impress me."

Clarke wasn't sure what to say. She and Bellamy never had that many heartfelt moments like this. They always seemed to be fighting for survival one way or another, never leaving much time leftover for emotions.

Clarke tilted her head and looked Bellamy in the eyes. "Oh. Wow. That means a lot to me, it really does. I didn't know you felt that way." She felt awkward in such an emotional situation, so she stood up and starting sorting the baskets of berries in front of them. 

Without missing a beat, Bellamy stood up as well and moved close to Clarke, quickly invading her personal space and whispering in her ear. "I feel a lot of ways."

Clarke froze, every hair on her body standing still. She wondered what was happening - why did she feel so odd? Her heart felt like a rock in her chest, and her palms started sweating, her breathing became quick and heavy. The truth is, she knew exactly what was happening. She was just afraid to admit to it. Even still, she gave in. She leaned her head to the side and her lips collided with the boy in front of her. His hands moved to her waist and hers to his hair. Their lips moved in sync with each other, full of passion and lust - and six years worth of it, for that matter. He picked her up and crossed the room, kicking open the door to the room where Clarke and Madi slept. The room is small, just enough for two beds and a dresser, but it has the cutest decorations - thanks to the clan that lived here before priamfaya. Bellamy moved to Clarke's bed which sat against the wall. He laid Clarke down, breaking apart the kiss for a few seconds as he did so, and propped himself up on top of her before reconnecting their lips.


Morning came and the sun burst brilliantly through the small window, illuminating Bellamy and Clarke's bare skin as they lay together, half-covered by thin red sheets. He was on his back, Clarke on her side, her arm dangled over his chest. He watched her as she slept, afraid to wake her. Knowing Clarke, she would get up and get back to work immediately, whereas Bellamy wanted to savor the moment a while longer. Eventually, though, her eyes fluttered open and met Bell's.

"Morning, princess." He said, his voice hoarse. 

She smiled and stretched. She went to throw the sheets off and get up, but Bellamy pulled her back towards him. "You work too much. Just stay with me...just a little longer." 

"Fine, but just for a little bit. Believe it or not, there is work to do." Clarke chuckled and laid her head against Bellamy's bare chest. They laid there for a long time without saying a word before Bellamy broke the silence. 

"I think it's time we talked...about it." He said awkwardly. Clarke shifted, but said nothing. "Clarke, we haven't talked about what happened back there. It's been two weeks, I think we need to." Bellamy said. 

Clarke shifted once more and sat up, facing Bellamy. "There's nothing to talk about. It was a traumatic moment, you leaving me at the hands of Eligius. You said you loved me, but it was in a moment of panic. You were overcome with emotion - with grief, even, or something else - I-i don't know. But whatever it was, you don't have to worry about it, okay?" Clarke explained, completely unaware of Bellamy's true feelings.

"No, see, that's it. Clarke, it...i...i mean," Bellamy groaned out of frustration. "What i'm trying to say is, I meant it. I wasn't just in the moment, Clarke. I do love you. As more than just a co-leader or even a friend."

Clarke's mouth opened into a small gasp. "Bell, I..." she trailed off.

"Six years in space, Clarke! And every single day I spent thinking about you! You were like an all-consuming fire, raging in my mind and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't put it out. I couldn't make it through the day without hearing your voice echo inside my head, and when I wasn't awake you filled my dreams, even my nightmares. I spent what felt like an eternity thinking you were dead...and, well, i died, too, when the door to the rocket closed and you were still outside." Bellamy stopped his rant only for a moment as Clarke grabbed his hand, "Bell..." she whispered, but he continued.

"Clarke, I love you! I have always loved you. And when I found out that you were alive...it was like six years worth of loving you flooded over me all at once."

"Bellamy." Clarke said, this time more defiant. The freckled boy stopped and stared at her. "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry. I wish I could say that I love you too, it's just-"

"It's just what?" Bellamy asked, his eyes full of an odd combination of lust and pain.

"I'm afraid." She cried, her voice turning into a sob as she spoke. "I'm afraid that if I love you...I'll lose you." 

"No." Bellamy said, heartbroken, and pulled the girl close to him, wrapping his arms firmly around her. "You won't." He was surprised for a second when a single tear rolled down his cheek. He wiped it with the back of his hand and pulled back, cupping Clarke's face in his hands.

"When I said I love you, I meant it. And I still do. And when I said that I'm not leaving you, I meant it. I still do. Clarke Griffin, I want to stay by your side for the rest of my life. Nothing can separate us, I promise."

"You promise? You know you can't control that." Clarke sobbed.

"Maybe not, but I will do everything in my power because I am not losing you again. Okay?"

Clarke nodded against his hands. He pulled her in and planted a kiss on her forehead. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"I am. I am now." Clarke said truthfully. "Hey Bell.." She started.


"I love you too." She said confidently, knowing that she wouldn't lose him again, no matter what.

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