Dying Together | Raven x Murphy

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This chapter is set after S5E3 on the Eligius ship in space with Murphy and Raven stranded. Enjoy! Be sure to vote and comment what you think!

"You're right, it would have sucked to die alone." Raven laughed and walked away. Murphy stood at the window, watching the dropship speed towards Earth, suddenly regretting that he didn't get in while he had the chance.

After that he started to accept his choice. Once he got past his hard feelings towards Raven he started to enjoy himself - Raven was good company, as it turns out. There wasn't much room for fun, as they were constantly trying to communicate with the ground and occasionally had to fight off a prisoner or two as they were released from their sleeping pods. After the first three deaths, though, the Eligius cooperation on the ground realized what they were up against and stopped waking them up. Bellamy had successfully struck a deal with them, it seemed. And that was a cause for celebration.

That night Raven and Murphy found some old champagne in a storage room on the other side of the ship. They drank and celebrated the fact that their friends were alive - still in danger, of course, but alive nonetheless, and also celebrated as a toast to their deaths. As much as they tried to fight it - death was going to come quick if they didn't figure some way to get down to the ground. They couldn't find any more food, and what they did find was locked up in storage rooms that they couldn't gain access to. Coincidentally enough, this wasn't the first time the pair had found themselves dying together. 

After that night everything changed. They had been in the radio room, when all of a sudden there was yelling coming through the coms. It was over just as soon as it had started, then all of a sudden a female voice rang out, loud and clear. "The deal is off. Wake them up." 

It started with five of them. Raven and Murphy barricaded themselves in the radio room, which worked for a little while. Then came five more. By the time the next five woke up they had broken through the barricade. 

They tried to fight, but there was no use. The prisoners took Raven and Murphy hostage. They bound them, gagged them, and tied them to a wall in the radio room. 

They tried to overhear the conversations on the radio with no luck. A big, brutal looking man, whom the others called "Lake" strolled over to them and knelt down.

"We have a few questions for you two." He said. There was something terrifying in the way he spoke. Raven and Murphy looked at each other, knowing what was about to come. "Start with the girl." Lake said to the two men behind him. They quickly untied Raven from the wall and forced her to stand. Murphy was thrashing and screaming, he tried to speak but couldn't with the gag in his mouth. Lake turned around and gently took it out. "What's that?" He asked with fake kindness. 

"If you lay a hand on her I swear I will kill you." He looked desperately at Raven, who just shook her head. "Take me instead." Murphy said. 

Raven's face sunk; she didn't want Murphy to save her, she was perfectly capable of handling it on her own. 

Lake agreed and instructed for Raven to be bound again, and for them to take Murphy instead. In fact, he seemed rather happy at Murphy's offer, which in no way could be a good thing.

Raven cried and screamed as they beat Murphy to a pulp no more than five feet in front of her. Finally, Lake spoke.

"My people want to know...just how far do you think your friends on the ground will go to save you and your little girlfriend up here?"

Realization hit Murphy - Eligius didn't want information from them, they were using them as leverage. Bellamy wouldn't let them die up here, and now that's probably going to get them all killed down on the ground. 

He just shook his head. "As far as it takes." 

Lake nodded and struck Murphy again, this time punching him in the stomach. Murphy coughed up blood as Lake went to strike again. 

"STOP!" Raven screamed. She had managed to get the gag out her mouth and it hung loosely around her neck.

Murphy shook his head, he tried to make eye contact with Raven but his eyes were fading in and out of focus and he couldn't. "Raven please. Just stop."

"I can't let you do this for me, Murphy." Raven pleaded.

"I stayed up here with you to die, didn't I? Looks like that's exactly what I'm doing."

An hour later Lake left, and the other two men threw Murphy to the ground next to Raven. The followed after Lake without even tying Murphy up. Then again, there was no need to - it's not like Murphy could get up and leave in his condition. 

"I-i'm s-sorry." Raven sobbed. 

"Save it. I owe it to you, Reyes." Murphy said before turning his head to the side and coughing up more blood.

Raven scooted over to him and grabbed his hand. He glanced at their hands for a second before wrapping his fingers around hers. 

"Bellamy will come through, he always does." Raven said reassuringly. 

Murphy laughed, "Even if he does, they won't let us off that easy. They'll be back, you know."

"I know." Raven said.

Murphy looked at her, meeting her eyes this time. "I won't let them hurt you." 

Raven smiled for a moment before her face contorted to a scowl. "I can take care of myself." Even though she was angry, she didn't move. Instead they stayed there, hands tightly intertwined, leaning on each other's shoulders, waiting for what horror awaits them next.

I know this is kind of a mess but I just really wanted some Murven in here. Plus I do think they end up being tortured at some point on the ship. I'm not sure, though, if I still ship Memori or if I ship Murven now. Is it possible to ship both?? I'm dying here XD 

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