This book started as a screenplay in college that I had neither the expertise nor ability to sell. Then it became a novel.
I finished writing the first draft while living at home with my parents after college. I finished the whole thing while living with my then fiancé, Jessica, and it was published less than a year after I became her husband.
Mom, thank you for everything you did for me ever. You made the best "Shredder" from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles costume. Dad, thank you for being my biggest advocate (and later, vocal salesman of my work). And Jessica, thank you for permitting late nights and frayed nerves while trying to put the lid on this thing.
FantasyEric Steele is a superhero called Titan. He just doesn't know it yet. Titan's powers consist of liquid metal baked into his bones, which he can draw around himself into a suit of adaptive fiber-weave material that makes him strong and allows him to...