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billie had decided on a change of pace. she wanted something more fun and outrageous. yes, she had been homeschooled for all pf her life, but there were still highschool movies to teach her about the joys of teenagehood. she wants to get drunk. so she does, but hoe does she do this you ask?
she steals her mom's liquor.
yes, thats right, steals it.
not very smart or practical, but she does it, and gets shitfaced.

Famous Fuckers™

wherearetheavocados: HEY GUSYA

finnwolfhardofficial: hi bil

milliebobbybrown: hey

kayley.porterr: hiya

jaedenlieberher: henlo

wherearetheavocados: HOW AREYOU ALL DOUNG

milliebobbybrown: shes drunk

kayley.porterr: yes she is


milliebobbybrown: no

milliebobbybrown: well i do but i wont tell u

kayley.porterr: um i do

wherearetheavocados: WHEHREHR WHERE HEBRRHE

kayley.porterr: billie pls private dm me

wherearetheavocados: OKAKKA

billie and kayley's dm

wherearetheavocados: HI BB

kayley.porterr: hi billie...

wherearetheavocados: what
ur cute
did you know that
i just wanted to tell you
cuz i think about it a lot
can i come over now so we can make out

kayley.porterr: billie
calm down
also ur cute too
but you can't do this shit when no ones around
im coming to your house to take care of u now ok

wherearetheavocados: YAYYYYY

also this is how she acts when shes drunk

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