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"You sure?"


You bit your lip, glancing down nervously, "Alright, let's go talk to Shihyuk-nim."

You and Yoongi had been going back and forth about this for about an hour. What, you may ask? Yoongi wants to announce your relationship, positive that now would be the best time.

You didn't completely oppose the idea, but just the thought that this announcement could hurt the boys in some way made you hesitate saying yes. Not all publicly is good publicity.

But, since you've been dating for a few months, and you two had no plans on breaking up anytime soon, you figured it was probably time to tell the fans—or, more accurately, the public.

It kind of hit you all at once, you're dating an idol. If anyone found out you two are dating before the announcement you'd be involved in a dating scandal.


You took a deep breath and shook your head, it's all be fine—I mean, you've been able to keep your relationship on the down-low for this long, why not a few more weeks? What on earth could happen that would cause you guys to go public—


You jerked your head up, realizing that Yoongi was standing in front of you, "Hm?"

He smiled, "You alright? We don't have to say anything if you don't want to..."

You shook your head, "No I'm fine, I want to do it. I'm just getting in my own head about this."

You chuckled, Yoongi taking a seat and motioning for you to sit down. He put an arm over your shoulder.

"It'll be fine. It's not like we're going to say anything if front of a bunch of reporters, it's probably going to be an official announcement or a radio interview."

It was silent for a moment before Yoongi spoke up again, "You don't even have to show your face if you don't want."

You glanced up at him, "How do you mean?"

He nodded to himself, "Yeah...people do it all the time! I could just tell people I'm dating and not say who."

You thought about it for a second, slowly nodding your head, "Yeah...I'd be more comfortable with that."

Yoongi smiled, patting your head before jumping up and grabbing his coat.

"Where are you going?"

He smiled, "I'm gonna go tell Shihyuk-nim, see you tomorrow."

He have you a small wave before disappearing behind the door.

It wasn't long before the plans were set in place. With the boys having their comeback just around the corner it wasn't hard to find an interview.

Of course Big Hit stressed that the interview would have to focus on Yoongi and his relationship at some point, but of course the station didn't oppose.

Alrhough you were somewhat nervous, you wished Yoongi luck before he left, pacing around your apartment for a good half an hour before the interview was set to air, live of course.

"Hey! This is Joo and Minho here on Music!Live with BTS! Say 'hi' boys!"


Minho spike up, "So, before we get to the topic of your upcoming album, we heard that Suga has something important to tell us!"

Joo laughed, "I think it's going to be good news! How 'bout it, Suga? Care to tell us your big news?"

Yoongi chuckled nervously, "Actually, it is good news...it's uh...ahem, it's about something I've wanted to talk about for a while."

He took a deep breath, "I met this girl a while ago...about a year ago to be exact, and..."

The boys could be heard giving their hyung words of encouragement.

"Well, a few months ago we started dating."

Joo and Minho were eager to exclaim something, but they held their tongues to allow Yoongi to finish.

"I really enjoy her company and I don't hesitate to say I'm madly in love with her, but I won't deny the fact that I'm still nervous about how the media, and especially the fans, will take it."

Joo's smile could practically be heard through the radio, "You heard it, right here, right now! Min Yoongi, AKA Suga from BTS, has a girlfriend! How sweet~"

Minho chuckled, "We'll be right back with details~"

You sighed, slumping into the sofa.

Its done. The news is out. You can finally rest...right?

You but your lip and fiddled with your fingers, the fans will react well, right?

Of course. The boys have a great fan base, I'm sure the fans will be mature and...totally not make a big fuss about this and how you don't even really deserve Yoongi oh my god they're going to find out where you live and come after you—

"And we're back! Music!Live is about to get caught up on all the details we can squeeze out of Suga about his girlfriend and their relationship. Anything to say right off the bat?"

Yoongi mumbled a bit, "Uh, just ask me anything and I'll see if I can answer."

Minho clapped his hands, "Great! Joo, you had a question during the break?"

"Oh, yes! Suga, I wanted to know if you guys live together?"

"No, I still live in the dorm with the rest of BTS. She lives with a college friend."

"Oh~ So she's in college?"

"Yes, she's majoring in studio art."

Minho laughed, "Wow! We should've expected your girlfriend would be an artist of sorts!"

Joo giggled, "She doesn't work at Big Hit, does she?"

"No, but she does wish to have a job in the music industry or in the animation business."

Minho hummed in acknowledgment, "Can she rap as well as you? Or maybe she sings..?"

Yoongi laughed, "Even if she did, she's not one for the spotlight. She prefers working behind the scenes."

Joo sighed, "You guys sound like such a cute couple~ But im afraid I'm being told to get a move on! So, boys, what's the concept of the album..."

You visited the boys dorm later that evening, tired but well rested if that makes any sense whatsoever.

You opened the door with your key and walked in to find the boys all sitting in the living room. You sighed as you plopped down beside Yoongi, resting your head on his shoulder in exasperation.

"You heard the interview, I suppose?" Namjoon questioned.

You nodded, Yoongi shrugging his shoulders, "I think it went alright, I mean, look at all the compliments I gave you! I could have said that sometimes I walk in on you using your paint brushes as microphones, but I didn't."

You raised your head and pouted, "One time! One time, that happened!"

He chuckled, messing up your hair and bringing you in for a side-hug, "They were right though, were the cutest couple in Korea!"

You hit his arm, "Oh shut up."






1141 words




If you're new to this series I tried making it so the first book isn't necessarily needed to understand the plot but I would still appreciate if you could check out my story 💕

Btw the next chapter will be a time skip to the—you guessed it—DOPE ERA

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