Chapter 2

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I told newt thomas was right around the corner. thomas was heading for the car, "Where do you think your going then?" Newt said as he turned on the light. standing in that pose I love so much. thomas sighed, "Newt..." Thomas said trying to let out words, "Don't be a twat about it. I'm already in." Newt said grabbing thomas's bag, "No. no, not this time. look, even if we find minho, there's no guarantee we make it back from this." Thomas said, "Well, you'll need all the help you can get then, won't you?" Newt said opening the car door revealing me and fry, "Who's up for a road trip?" I said smiling, "Well, we started this together. may as well and it that way, too." Newt says. thomas hesitates for a second, "Okay. let's go get him back." Thomas said. another possibility deadly but fun adventure, "Y/N you didn't have to come." Thomas points out, "Of course I did. I care about minho and I'm not just gonna, give up on him. not like this, and besides. your stuck with me." I said massing up thomas's hair, "Hey! you only do that with me!" Newt says jokingly. we laughed as we had a long miles ahead of us

The sun was shining as we were continuing our adventure. we made it to this dark and terrifying tunnel. we got out the car but I really wasn't looking forward to going in there, "You want us to go in there?" Newt said actually what I was thinking, "I don't wanna come across as to negative, but I mean if I was a crank, that's exactly where I would be." Newt said, "Yeah, this place is already pretty creepy." I said, "I don't think we have much of a choice." Thomas stated, "All right. I get shotgun." Newt says walking to the car. I smiled,
"I'll be in the back if you need me." I said also walking back to the car. the tunnel looked like it hadn't had people drive through it in a very very long time, "Well, here we go." Fry said not really looking forward to this and neither am I, "Just take it nice and slow." Newt told fry not really afraid as much as I am. fry stopped the car when a crank was right in front of us,

"It's okay. It's just one. so take it slow, go around him. we'll be fine." Thomas said I guess to keep us from panicking, "Take it slow." Fry says getting himself ready. newt rolled the windows up as I gripped onto newt's seat. thomas jumped which causes me to jump. A woman who look like she was already infected was on the window, "Please." The woman begged. I turned around to my window when another crank was on my side, "Fry, we gotta go." I said getting worried, "You need to go right now!" Newt said, "Just floor it fry!" Thomas said to fry, "hold on!" Fry says punching the gas pedal. a crank jump on the front of car and started breaking the glass. we tried knocking him off of the car but it still didn't work. fry finally managed to get him off, "FRYPAN, WATCH OUT!" I yelled but the car was tilting sideways and then eventually fell over.

"Everyone okay!?" Thomas said. thomas broke the glass window, "Newt are you okay?" I said feeling dizzy, "Yeah, love I'm okay. fry are you alright?" Newt asked fry, "crap, my hand." fry said in pain. thomas got out but we still couldn't. fry tried opening one the doors but it didn't work, "Fry go around!" thomas told him, "thomas hurry I can't breathe!" I said as my heart was racing and my breathing became short. newt got the door open causing him to roll out, "Newt, you okay?" Thomas asked, "Yeah I think so, just get Y/N out." Newt said grabbing my hand but couldn't pull me out when the sound of a crank screaming came from behind us. one was already close. me and fry got out but fry was trying to get his gun out, "Fry, we gotta go!" I said backing up. it was getting closer and closer. fry finally got the gun out and shot it, "Nice shot fry." I say, "thanks." He said relived that he killed it but more was coming. fry gave us some time till I pulled out both of my guns and started shooting. one came from behind me but I shot it before it got closer. we started running because there was too many of them. we stop when there was even more cranks. we were surrounded, "I'm out!" Fry said because he ran out of ammo. I stopped in front of him but then I ran out of ammo too. newt pulled me close. a car came up to us and of course it was brenda and jorge. I smiled and got in the back seat with newt, "I'm impressed! you guys almost lasted a whole day." Jorge said

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