Chapter 20

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Thanks guys for wasting your time an reading even though it's like two people but hey every person counts!

Sarah's pov continued

Let's just say when I got home my luck didn't exactly improve.

As soon as I walk in y parents had a huge grin in there face.


"great news! Zayn and friends are gonna stay over again!"they say

"how is that great news?"

They look at me confused. "isn't he your friend?"

I shake my head. "nope I haven't talked to him since he left. And don't plan to ever speak To him again."

"Sarah don't say that! He and his friends are staying here and I expect you to nice!"my mom says obviously pissed


"why not? you and zayn have been bestfriends forever why do you hate him all of a sudden?!?"

I don't answer and they walk out the door telling me to get over myself and that I have two days to pull it together.

Some times I hate the fact they don't know. Well how the hell am I suppose to tell them that he hurt me, that we had dated for a mere week yet it was the best week of my life. How was I suppose to tell them that e was about to leave me again with out saying a word after I've fallen so hard for him?that I didn't eat or make contact with the rest if the world for over 72 hours because I was so heart broken? That I went crazy and ended up going to rehab?!? How the hell was I suppose to tell them that?!? They wouldn't believe it. Theyd think I've gone mental. They just...wouldn't understand.

I dial Santana's number


"great news." I say into the phone sarcastically.


"Uh-oh is correct because your boyfriend and his band are staying over at my house again!"I scream in to the phone.

"ohmygod...Sarah....just...just stay over at geovanni's or something."she suggests.

"that's a good idea, but I don't think they'll let me. But I'll see what I can do Thanks. "

"your welcome. I'm not all that dumb you know."

I laugh "I know. I only say that because you do stupid things, but seriously I love you to death."

I could feel her smiling from tw other end of the phone. "I tend to have that affect on people."

I roll my eyes "don't flatter yourself, but I gotta go so I'll call you later or something."

"okay byee!!"

"bye!" I hang up.

I go back downstairs.

"so I've decided something..."I say

My parents raise an eyebrow at me.

"the boys can stay here and I'll stay over at geovanni's house..."

"isnt that your boyfriend?"asks my dad.

I nod my head.

"then no."He says sternly.

"what about he stays over here?" I ask.


"fine." I say And walk away. Luckily I have another plan.

I'll just stay out of the house the whole day and then at like 8-9 I'll come home sleep and then wake up and go out with G again. Perfect.

As I walk up to my room I realize that I will actually have to say something to him...What am I gonna say?and do I hug all of them or just say hi from far. Yea that's better. Say hi from far no need to get all touchy feely.

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