Chapter 2

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"Are you nervous?" Said the butler, slipping on the dark dress on Carmen's small figure,

"Yes, Oliver. I know brother will be furious." Carmen responds, Oliver looked up at her,

"For what reason?" Oliver asks, rolling down the black decorated sleeves,

"I didn't contact him anytime during my stay here. I know he would've wanted me to." Oliver wraps a black bow around her waist,

"I sure he'll be glad to see you." Oliver answers, standing up to put her black headband that complimented her long bluish-black locks. Oliver stepped back,

"You look like a doll, mistress." Oliver complimented, while smiling. Carmen giggles, and went to touch his cheek.

"I'll miss you, Oliver." Carmen says, Oliver placing his hand over hers,

"You shall not be saying that to a mere butler, it's inappropriate. But, as a response. So will I." Oliver replies, placing her hand down. As he finished, the door opened, to reveal Ash.

"Earl Phantomhive has arrived, my lady." Ash informed. Oliver stood up and guided Carmen out.

"It was nice having you here, my lady." Ash bowed,

"It was nice being here too, Ash." Carmen responded and continued to walk with Oliver. The walk to the entrance, seemed long. Once they arrived, Carmen could make out a figure kneeling down. She made out Ciel and stood there. Ciel noticed another presence and turned around,

"Good morning, Carmen." The queen greeted, Ciel stood up. Ciel and Sebastian stared over to Carmen. Ciel took a step. Carmen stayed quiet.

"Brother?" Carmen quivered, Ciel nodded,

"Yes?" Ciel responded.

"Why did you contact me? For the last three years Ive been worried where you've been!" He approached her, Carmen frowns, ashamed.

"I've been here. Her majesty said it wasn't safe if I go back instantly."

"And leave me wondering? You could've told me where you were and that you were staying here with the Queens permission!" Ciel was mad at this point, on why his younger sister that he was close with, worried him a lot where she was.

Carmen shook her head. "I don't know why." Ciel dismissed her and wrapped his arms around her. Carmen hugged back. For a moment, the two hugged, until Carmen noticed a tall figure, in black.

"Ciel, who's the tall man?" Ciel turned around,

"That's my butler, Sebastian." Ciel answers, Carmen leaves Ciel side and walks over to Sebastian,

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Carmen." Sebastian greeted, bowing slightly. Morgan smiles. She takes off her lace glove and raises her hand and places her hand on his cheek. Sebastian furrows a brow and looks at Ciel,

"It's alright, Sebastian. It's her way to tell what you look like." Ciel said, while Carmen's hand was travelling over Sebastian's face and his features.

"Can't she see me?" Sebastian thought. This was the first hint, but Sebastian just shook this off while Carmen takes her hand away,

"You feel like my father." Carmen spoke softly, she raises her hand again, to his hair. She feels a soft and thin texture. Carmen twirled his hair in her finger, showing a liking to him.

"I like your black hair, it's soft and nice. I wish I had it." Carmen commendates. Carmen slips on her black glove. She turns around and walks over to Ciel.

"I like your butler." Carmen states, Ciel smirks and looks at Sebastian. Sebastian took a deep breath.

"Shall we get going?" Ciel asks, Carmen nods and looks at Oliver.

"It was nice being in service for you, my lady." Oliver kneels down and grabs her hand and places a kiss upon it, while Carmen nods. Ciel grabs her hand and guides her outside,

'Can't she walk herself? Or have she never learned to walk alone without her mothers hand?' Sebastian thought, annoyed. He shook this thought away and followed behind.

The carriage ride was surprisingly fast. Once she arrived, Sebastian and Ciel got out and waited for Carmen to step out. Ciel took her hand and guided her in.

"Sebastian, did you prepare a room for her last night?" Ciel asked, Sebastian nods,

"I known you would've wanted me to." Sebastian replied. They walk inside and heard,

"CIIIEELLLL!" A high pitched voice yelled out. In an instant, Ciel was hugged from his one and only, fiancé. Elizabeth Midford.

"Elizabeth! What are you doing here?!" Ciel exclaimed surprised. Elizabeth spun him around and giggled,

"I wanted to see you! It's been a long timeeeee!" Elizabeth complained in a baby voice, Ciel groaned,

"You visited last week." Ciel reminded, Elizabeth giggled,

"I know! That's way too long-" Elizabeth stopped mid-sentence when her eyes landed on Carmen. Elizabeth then looked at Ciel,

"Ciel, who's that?"

"That's Carmen. You remember her, don't you?" Elizabeth nods as a response. Elizabeth looks down,

The Blind & The Crow - Sebastian MichaelisWhere stories live. Discover now