Chapter 5

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5 Years Later

Years had past since Carmen had reentered my life but also, newly entered Sebastian's demon life. But, also had become someone that Sebastian will obey and protect, other than me. In which he willingly agreed to, as an apology gift from his rudeness to her, years ago.

Obviously, she doesn't know his true nature since she arrived. His true being and worth here. I've found replacement for Sebastian's place, for Carmen's safety. I'm afraid after my soul has been taken, Sebastian will stay around longer and harm her, take advantage of her, and toy around with her. But luckily, he'll no longer be Carmen's butler after this afternoon from now on. Her new butler is a simple and a well-mannered man. The reason why I hired a butler and not a maid, is because Carmen's is uncomfortable and had bad experiences with maids in her past. I don't want her to relive her abusive childhood with her past maid.

Third Person's POV

Currently, Ciel's in the office having a chat with this butler, warning him about Carmen condition and what she can do, and what she can't do.

"Callum, do you understand about what it takes to take care of Carmen?" The earl asked sternly, the man nodded and responded firmly - adjusting his glasses,

"Yes, Earl Phantomhive. Think I could be a big change in Lady Phantomhives' life. She would do the things she always wanted to do that this man, 'Sebastian' was it? Couldn't do for her." Ciel smirked and rested his chin in his left hand.

"I'll call Sebastian to let him know you'll be Carmen's butler from now on." Ciel replied,

"Sebastian!" Ciel called out, a moment later, a knock was heard. Ciel responded with a 'come in'. The knob turned and the door opened, to reveal Sebastian.

"Sebastian, this is Callum Winstead. He'll be Carmen's butler from now on." Ciel introduced, Callum stuck out his white gloved hand, smirking.

"Sebastian, was your name I heard? I'm Callum. I'll handle Carmen from now on." Callum said, smiling. Having a dark look, like he looked threatening to Sebastian, but to a Ciel. He was fine.

"Yes, it is Sebastian. Nice to meet you, Callum Winstead." Sebastian responds, taking his hand lightly. Sebastian suddenly did not like this man at all.

"Sebastian. Guide Callum to Carmen. Introduce him to her and have him settled and show him around, will you? Also, after that, bring me some tea." Ciel ordered, Sebastian bows,

"Yes my lord." Sebastian left with Callum following behind.

"Sebastian Michaelis. Why does that have a ring to it? Oh, is it you Raven?" Callum called out, chuckling. Sebastian stopped in his tracks suddenly,

"As I suspected from this morning, there was another demon here. What are your intentions here, Owl?" Sebastian asked, Callum chuckled,

"For that young girl, Raven. I've been waiting for a delicious soul to pass by, and now I've found one. A naive and blind girl, she won't see it coming." Callum joked. Sebastian shot a glare at Callum,

"You're lucky that your her butler now. But, this is your only warning. If you dare to harm her, I will-"

"You'll what? Do you actually care for the poor little girl?" Callum asked in a mocking tone. There was a long pause, until he got the hint.

"What!? The Crow of Hell loves a petty human? You realize you're just hungry right?" He says, Sebastian stayed quiet.

"No. I'm not hungry. I've starved longer than this. This isn't starvation." Sebastian explained a little. Callum sighed,

"You're going to loose your reputation and become the laughingstock of Hell once he finds out." Callum reminded, Sebastian nods.

"I know. I don't care if my reputation is damaged, I just care about lady Carmen. She taught me new things, taught me more about her past. She comforted me when I was at my worst. I don't want to see her hurt verbally, physically, or emotionally, Owl." Sebastian admitted. Callum rolled his eyes,

"You disgust me, Raven."

"You're accurate. I'm disgusted with my revolting self. I've grown weaker because of her."

"I don't see you as a demon anymore. I don't want to be around you, revolting demon. I can sense Miss Carmen myself" Callum says and walked off.

"Ugh, what did you do to me, my mistress?" Sebastian asked himself. He looked down and rubbed his temples.

The Blind & The Crow - Sebastian MichaelisWhere stories live. Discover now