Chapter 4

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"Sebastian, I think she had a long morning. Set her for a nap." Ciel ordered, Sebastian bowed and walked out with Carmen.

"I really didn't know you were blind. I hope we can forget about it and start anew, shall we?" Sebastian offered, Carmen shakes her head 'yes',

"I'd like that. I'm not completely blind, It's horridly blurry, but I can make out light shapes and figures." Carmen responds smiling. Sebastian opened the door for her and she walked in.

"Why not getting glasses?" Sebastian suggested, Carmen shook her head,

"Father tried getting me glasses, but my vision wouldn't get better. No matter how good quality the glasses are." Carmen answered while playing with her fingers.

"I see, so your parents wanted you see clearly?" Sebastian asked, Carmen nodded,

"They wanted the best for me and grow up to take the place of aristocrat of evil as my father planned, but when my sight got even worse as a toddler, they gave that place to my brother." Carmen explained. Sebastian nods,

"Did your parents treated you equally like the young master?"

"Yes, my mother always had time for us, but my father had a lot of work to do, though he did frown upon me a bit when I couldn't take his place of aristocrat of evil." Carmen spoke, playing with her hair.

"I hope I didn't ask to many questions when restarting, my lady." Sebastian protests, Carmen shakes her head again,

"You didn't, don't worry!" Carmen reassured,

"Good, I don't wanna invade too much about your past." Carmen nods,

"How long should I sleep?" Carmen asked as Sebastian got the bed ready.

"I'll have you sleep for an hour, unless if you wish for more time." Sebastian replies, Carmen nods,

"Sure, I'm alright with that." Carmen slips off her shoes,

"Alright." Sebastian tucks her in as she got comfy. Sebastian walks over to the curtain and closes the half that was letting the sun in.

"Have a good rest, my lady."


"You want me to become Lady Carmen's butler?"

"And mine. Just until I find replacement"

"Young master, I think it's too much to arrange, even if I'm an otherworldly creature." Sebastian explained,

"It's not what you think. You will help Carmen majority of the day, and when I need you, you can leave her somewhere safe and see what I need or when you're doing your duties." Ciel explains. Sebastian nods,

"I think I'm able to handle that." Sebastian states, Ciel nods.

"You wouldn't be a Phantomhives' butler if you can't handle that much." Ciel mentions. Sebastian smirks and looks at the young master,

"That's my line, my lord." Sebastian remarks. Ciel chuckles,

"I've already informed Carmen about it, she's fine with it," Ciel informs,

"Carmen's in the library, she didn't need to sleep for long." Ciel sips his tea and continues reading the newspaper. Sebastian bows and leaves.

Sebastian arrives at the library to see Carmen holding a book, feeling the books' indented title,

"Sebastian, does this say, 'How To Kill A Mockingbird'?" Carmen asks, giving Sebastian the dark brown book she held. Sebastian looks at it and nods,

"Yes it does, my lady." Sebastian responds,

"I wanna read it. But, my vision is limits me a bunch of activities." Carmen remarks, Sebastian thought about something, and smiles,

"How about we go out to the garden?" Sebastian suggested, Carmen smiles,

"I would like that." Carmen responds, Sebastian holds out his hand as she took it and guided her outside, where the May afternoon sun shined. Carmen let go of Sebastians hand and ran over to the direction of a bush of silver white roses, blooming.

"Are these roses?" Carmen asked kneeling down and touching the fallen petals.

"Yes, silver white roses." Sebastian answered and stood beside her,

"They're brothers' favourite flower. They have been since his young childhood." Carmen commented,

*Ciel's POV* (finally someone's perspective!)

"They're relationship is already blooming, just like a sliver white rose in the start of spring..." I said to myself, looking out the window.

I sat back down, and sighed, "She's not ready to know what he really is." I leaned back and closed my eyes,

"Better not get used to her, that damned demon."

The Blind & The Crow - Sebastian MichaelisWhere stories live. Discover now