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She woke up panting in bed, her body still flushed, her thighs quivering. She can feel how sensitive her nipples were, and realized she was wet down there. Her hands were still fisting the sheets and she should still feel the fading echoes of a violent orgasm.



How many times had this happened to her.

Her dream would start with her walking alone in the dark woods, at twilight. Then slowly she would be alerted of someone watching her, and her heart would start to beat faster, in fright and anxiety. And when she tried to turn herself towards the disturbance, strong arms would hug her from behind. "You're mine." He whispered.

And she would  know those arms. Even in her dreams, he would know that those arms belong to someone she trusts with all her heart and being. 

"Yes, I am." She cooed and closed her eyes.

She leaned back on his chest. She can feel how aroused she had become by just being embraced like this with him. With his strong arms  hugging her from behind, his mouth slowly descended on her neck. She can feel his breath whispering across her collarbone. Her breaths came up shallower. Oh God, how many times have she waited for this moment.

She touched his hands that were in front of her, big hands. She could feel the coarse hair on his arms, so manly and so masculine, making her feel more excited. She can feel her pussy creaming down there.

He raised his left hand and lifted a few tendrils of her hair from her left cheek. Then he slowly rained soft kisses on her left ear. She moaned. He bit her ear. "Oh God."

She felt like she would turn into a puddle right where she was standing. She had never experienced sensations like these in her lifetime. He caught her jaw and slowly landed butterfly kisses from her left cheek, inching towards her mouth. She kept her eyes closed for fear of breaking the spell, her breath suspended while waiting for his kiss on her mouth.

But he didn't kiss her. Not just yet. He slid his right arm up her chest and his hand went directly to the topmost button of her blouse. Her body was on fire, she cant hear anything else but the loud beating of her heart.  

"Don't be scared." He whispered. And he started unbuttoning her blouse. Shit, she can feel herself quivering all the way to her toes. Even with her eyes closed, she can feel how her blouse parted sideways for his questing fingers. She wanted to die in embarrassment. Nobody had seen her like this, this quivering female in heat, naked and awaiting the mercy of a stranger. She kept on leaning on him. She felt his huge erection at the small of her back. She got more excited about it, that she can make him feel this way for her. She was proud of herself. She pushed against it in the hopes of seducing him more. 

He groaned. "You're killing me, baby."

He immediately turned her body towards him, a bit roughly. She should have felt panic but she didn't. She can hear his labored breathing. She knew they were both on fire for each other.  She kept waiting for his move but he remained holding her at arm's length. She slowly opened her eyes.

She tried deciphering his face but the facial features are always blurry in her dreams. She can see the silhouette of his hair though. She knew his hair was a bit long, past his shoulders. 

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Looking at perfection." He softly replied.

Only then did she realized how she must have looked with her blouse all open, her chest heaving, her breasts quivering. She was wearing a sheer bra and she knew how her hard nipples looked very tempting in them. Her cheeks reddened. Her nipples blossomed and became more erect under his gaze. 

He slowly guided her a few steps backwards until she felt the tree behind her. 

"What am I gonna do with you  baby?"

Then his mouth quickly descended to her right breast and bit her nipple, gently though, with the sheer bra still covering it. Her body arched upwards, she moaned roughly and clutched his head. 

He raised his head and looked at her again. He smiled, she knew even if she cannot see his face clearly, she knew he was smiling at her and was proud of the way her body responded to him.

He slowly brought his bra down her chest, her big breasts now heaving in anticipation. "Beautiful." He murmured and his head descended once again.

He blew on her left breast and she nearly fainted. She was moaning incoherently, she was on the verge of something indescribable. She arched her upper body to him again, and offered her breasts, her nipples.

"Suck my nipples. Please. " She begged.

And he obeyed. He closed the distance, opened his mouth and latched to her right nipple. And sucked. Hard. He palmed both breasts and continued sucking to his heart's content. 

"Harder. Please."She was shameless. She didn't know herself anymore.

He licked the other nipple first and then dove once more. He opened his mouth wider and took as much of her breast as he can take into his mouth. And started sucking viciously. Oh God. She was twisting in painful pleasure. This is madness. Her body was reaching for something she does not know. 

He pinched the other nipple between this thumb and forefinger while sucking hard its mate. He held it hard between his fingers. He bit the other nipple. She exploded.

The Naughty VirginWhere stories live. Discover now