Chapter 4 - The Boys

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Liams pov:

I dont know what happend. We left the girls and headed to zayn's room but before we got to the door we heard the girls screming for us to come back. So we started to run to them but there was a flicker of the light and we were standing in a park. It was sunny but then it started to rain,and the next thing we knew we were at a funeral, Louis' funeral. Harry started to wlk forward but niall pulled him back. Then we were back at the house running to the girls room only to find it empty. " Vas Happenin' ?" Zayn said , and we was scared, zayn doesnt get scared.

Niall's pov:

im scared. I addmit it! I cant even eat, and thats saying something. Im worried about the girls. We dont know where the hell they are and harry is a mess. He hasn't talked since louis' death and now his girlfriend and amber are missing. He cries alot, almost every sescond theres tears streaking his face and theres no amount of confert any of us can give him that would make him feel better. Lou was harry's everything and with him gone i dont know what harry will do.

Amber's Pov:

I dont know what going on but things just keep getting weirder and with out the boys i dont feel as safe. We ended up back in our rrom and i swear when we got there i heard zayn's shaky voice say " vas happenin' ?" We dont know if were gunna disapear again so we left the house and went into town to see that this town wasnt the one we were in yesturday. I looked back and faced the house it was the same but the streets the stores everything it just wasnt right, something was out of place and the only thing i can think of is lou's death. I felt the hot tears running down my face as i remembered the way he hugged me. the way his eyes sparkeld, his smell his cheeky smile he always got after he did something horrible to one of the boys. and his laugh, his laugh was what killed me the most. You dont usually hear him laugh, his the one that makes you laugh, so when he does you cherish every minute of it. I made micayla go to the funeral home with me . I had to see him one last time, to know that he was mine , IS mine and always will be but as i saw the hole that was dug for him i couldnt do it, I fell to the floor and sobbed, micayla right beside me . When i lifted my head we were sitting on the edge of a bridge. " this is fucking retarted! how the hell do we get out of this messed up town. there friggen zombies walking around is the damn apocalysp already here? if not then they can the hell out of our town and back to the graves cause i really dont need this.It cant be real. This is not 'normal' it is not possible!!" Micayla was shouting now, and she was damn well pissed. we needed the boys. bad.

Zayn's Pov:

Good news! we found the girls. They sat at the edge of a bridge we had somehow got zapped here. its kinda funny in way how we've been looking for them everywhere and we found them.. but anyways. theres also bad news. Louis is still dead and now harry's missing.

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