Elizabeth and Band practice

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Hey guys thanks so much for reading my story!!! I have been trying to update as soon as possible but if I don't update for a while I promise I will as soon as I can! I am also a fan of leaving cliffhangers at the end of my chapters.... ;) but that doesn't mean it's the end! Please vote on my chapters and follow me! I follow back!!! OK NOW BACK TO THE STORY!

"Elizabeth?" I say worriedly as I throw my bag on the floor and jog to the couch. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing" she says quickly as she wipes her eyes and gives me a fake smile. She then gets off the couch and runs up to her room. I chase after her to see the door close in my face. I knock lightly.

"Elizabeth. Cmon let me in." I say.

"It's ok Liv I'm fine." she sniffles

"Liz I know you're not fine" i sigh as I sit down and lean my back against the door. "I'm not leaving unless you talk to me!"I feel her leaning against the other side of the door.

"School was horrible" she says as she starts crying harder.

"Elizabeth open the door right now" I say concerned. She unlocks it and the door swings open to reveal a puffy eyed, red faced, Elizabeth. I stand up and pull her into a bear hug. I bend down and tell her to get on my back. She smiles weakly and hops on. I give her a piggy back ride downstairs and into the kitchen. She sits down at the table.

"Ok. You are gonna sit right there and tell me EVERYTHING that happened today. You need to get it off your chest." She sniffles and nods. "I'm here for you Liz. While you are talking I am gonna make as many cupcakes as I can in the time you are talking and when you're done we will decorate every single one ok? " I finish.

"Ok" she giggles.


I get to school a little late so when I walk into homeroom EVERYONE is staring at me and whispering. Maybe I shouldn't have worn this shirt. It was one of Olivia's. It was a pink and black misfits tank top and I loved it because it was hers. I wore it every time I had a first day of school. It was my good luck charm. I also had on a pair of jean shorts, pink converse, my hair up in a messy bun, and my glasses of course. I walked up to the teacher and she yelled at me because I was late. She didn't even mention the fact that I was new she just told me to sit down, which earned giggles from the class. After the bell rang I walked to my first class and sat down in a seat in the back. Some blonde girl sat beside me and said hi. That was nice I thought as I said hello back. Halfway through the class she started talking to me. She told me the guy sitting next to me thought I was cute . I looked over at him blushing but he held up his fingers in a loser sign as he mouthed loser. I rolled my eyes as they both started laughing. That's when the teacher turned around asked what was going on. Ms. Evil beside me told the teacher

"I'm sorry Elizabeth over here just keeps talking to us and I couldn't help but laugh at the joke she told me" she says giggling. I look over at her with my eyes wide and my mouth slightly open. She. did. not. My teacher walked up to me and handed me a detention slip. I shove it in my bag and cover my face as everyone smirks at me. I had detention right after that but all everyone did was throw wadded pieces of paper around. I walked out when the bell rang only to have someone book check me. My eyes teared up as I bent down and picked up all my stuff before running to the bathroom. I skipped my next class and just sat in there for the whole period. I ate my lunch in the library and then walked home by myself. Then I sat down on the couch and let it all out. I tried to hide it when Olivia walked in but she saw me too quickly.


My eyes teared up as I put the last batch of cupcake mix in the oven. I slammed the door shut and ran to Elizabeth and gave her a hug. I sat down on the stool across from her.

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