Preface: The Beginning

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February 1979: Unspecified location

"Please, please let me go..." The woman sobbed, pulling against the tight leather restraints holding her to the filthy bed, by both ankles and wrists.

"We'll let you go somewhere more comfortable if there are results!" her captor snapped, and tapped his gloved finger against the glistening needle. He had a number of needles on his table glowing with golden and silver ethereal light.

"There are none... please, please, please..." she whispered, weak from the lack of food. She was getting tired of fighting. She'd been here for over two months without any sign of help.  "Please... I've heard you live a cursed life if you drink unicorn blood..."

The man laughed. "That's why we inject you instead, bitch!"

He jammed the needle into the sensitive vein in her inner arm, and laughed as she screamed.



A voice was shouting her name; it was intimately familiar to her... Was she dreaming of a night that seemed like a lifetime ago? Was she resorting to delusions to comfort herself? Was she finally going mad?

"Cara---Cara, shit, please wake up! This can't be for nothing!" Hands were on her face, and she gasped, opening her eyes at the gentlest touch she'd felt in a long time.

Bent over her with his hair wild and a wand blazing with red sparks, was Sirius Black: her partner, and the father of her daughter. "Sirius—Oh my god—what, what are you doing here?!"

She struggled against her bonds, hearing shouts of curses and defence spells from the corridor. Straining her neck she could see her guard unconscious outside the door—which had been blasted in.

"On a rescue mission for you, of course—The Order has been looking for you since you vanished, they almost gave up, but I persisted—"

"Brilliant—how's Sasha is she—"

"She's fine love," Sirius kissed her forehead lightly, though smiled at the mention of their one year old daughter. "Let me free you before we have a cosy catch up,"

"How are you getting me out of here?" she spluttered, overwhelmed at the hope: the hope of holding Sasha again, the hope of Sirius' arms around her, it was consuming her.

He held up his wand. "No!" she shrieked. "I tried using non-verbal magic on them—almost cut my hand off!"

"Hey, I have a back-up plan, don't underestimate me, Rees," Sirius gave her one of those small, secret smiles he always used to give her, on secluded adventures down darkened corridors of Hogwarts.

He pulled out a small penknife and she gave him a deadpan look. "Very funny—But I would like to escape my kidnapping sooner than later—"

But she was interrupted mid-sentence as with four quick slashes Sirius had freed her arms and legs. "One of the useful things my parents gave me, now come on, give me your hand."

Cara swung her legs off the bed and stood up, only to sway with vertigo and nausea. Sirius caught her before she could fall, tightening his grip around her waist. "I've got you, love, don't worry."

Cara felt ill from her lack of movement from the last couple of months, and the room began to go in and out of focus like a broken camera as she heard Sirius speak into his patronus form, a message to the Order: "I've got her, I've got her—repeat, Padfoot has Lynx, apparate on will—"

"You can't apparate here..." Cara was surprised how weak her voice sounded. "Warded..."

"Lily has sorted it," Sirius said firmly, and Cara managed a small smile at the mention of her friend.

Black spots swam into her vision like a thousand tiny flies, and for a second before she lost consciousness she swore that a glow was emitting from her abdomen.

Of course, she brushed this aside as a hallucination until her and Sirius welcomed a silver lining from her terrible ordeal. Cara had unknowingly protected her unborn child from harm under capture, and Lyra Isabella Black was born seven months later.

But the most peculiar thing happened: Lyra was born with white blonde hair and molten gold eyes, nothing like her darker haired parents and sister. Sirius called her his precious stardust, but Cara held the secret of how the experiments had corrupted her new-born as a deep, regretful secret.

Cara didn't think anything would come of it, that the experiments had just physically altered her child. But of course, as our story begins, eleven years later we discover she couldn't have been more wrong....


A/N Hello everybody! Quick note here, I hope you enjoy this story. I plan for this book to cover years 1-3, and then hopefully another two volumes covering the other books. I have a lot up my sleeve, and I can't wait to share this story with you.

I have't written on here in about three years now, so all feedback is welcome! :) I've already got the next few chapters written, so I'll post the next chapter on the 24th!


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