29. The Marauder's Map

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I kept my father's note to me as a talisman in my pocket. Never had I been so convinced of his innocence. I might have had conflicting opinions these last few months about him—but this surely had to be something good.

He had been there in the stands, to watch his daughters and god-son play Quidditch, even though he would be killed if he was caught. He'd risked everything to get a note into the hospital wing to me—he obviously trusted me not to say anything.

While he'd done some reckless things, Mum was right—he wasn't stupid. Everything had to mean something.

But while the note burned a small hole in the back of my mind, I had Harry to concentrate on. His broomstick had been destroyed after the match, and he was very subdued. I had a feeling there was something more to his quietness, but I didn't want to pry too deeply.

Even though I was only re-gaining my energy in the hospital wing, I still hated being there, and it was a great relief to be released with Harry on Monday morning. We hurried to Defence class together, slightly late, hoping that Snape wasn't substituting again.

But to my relief, Remus was stood at the blackboard as we sneaked in. "Ah!" he smiled at seeing us. "Harry, Lyra! Good to see you both up and about!"

"You too, Professor." I smiled, sliding into the seat Kat had saved for me. "My mother said your migraines were quite severe."

"Why yes, they were." Remus gave me a crafty wink, before he carried on with his lesson on Hinkypunks.

Glancing to my right, I saw that Kat had a bright smile on her face (and you could see her teeth!) and was doodling on her notebook, something very unlike her. Subtly peering, I saw that she'd written Cassie's name with a heart around it.

I nudged her and wrote on my own notebook. What has happened with you two? I've never seen such cute doodles in my whole life.

Kat read my note and looked towards Cassie. She was sat at the front of the class next to Daphne, pushing her glossy blonde hair over her shoulder. Cassie caught Kat staring, and flushed pink.

I felt like I had walked into a romance novel.

She was really upset after you fell—proper sobbing. It was a bit terrifying actually. Kat wrote to me, before scribbling a much longer note, which read: She was terrified you'd died, and she said she was afraid of not having anybody. I told her she'd have me, and she connected the dots.

OH MY GOD!!! I wrote back, resisting the urge to squeal. AND—WHAT HAPPENED? ARE YOU GIRLFRIENDS? DID YOU KISS!! 😊

Kat rolled her eyes but flushed a light shade of pink. No, we didn't kiss. But we talked for hours. She told me that she'd known she was a lesbian for years, before she even knew there was a word to describe what she felt. She says she likes me—me! 😊

I felt like my heart was going to burst. While I was always an annoying optimist, I had worried that I'd mis-interpreted Cassie's actions, and that she didn't feel the same way. This was such a relief.

That's brilliant Kat! So—what next?

Kat gave me a coy smile. We take things slow. I understand completely, I mean with what happened to her... That's okay with me. All this... love is new to me. So long as we're in it together.

I reached across the desk and squeezed her hand tightly. Making sure Remus was still enthralled with his lecture, I whispered. "I'm so happy for you Kat. You deserve this."

Kat had a peaceful expression on her face for the rest of the lesson, and I didn't even mind that she sprang from her seat the second the lesson finished to practically bounce over to Cassie. Grinning, I swung my bag over my shoulder.

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