6. A problem named Sirius

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I woke the next morning to find Sooty digging his claws into the duvet cover like the cute annoyance he was, and Katherine already in her school uniform, brushing her masses of curly hair.

"There's still hot water left if you want a shower." She said as a greeting.

"Thanks," I smiled. I remembered the warmth in her words when I played violin, so I knew she wasn't a bitch—she was just a bit guarded.

Taking a quick shower in the amazing bathroom (there was a claw-foot bathtub/shower and the taps and handles were badger heads!) I managed to do my hair into two half-decent plaits and get my uniform on quickly.

My robes were now adorned with the yellow fringing of Hufflepuff, and the cute logo of the badger. I touched the badger, pleased that this was my house.

"Took you long enough," Katherine said when I emerged from the bathroom. It wasn't unkind, but she looked unsettled. "We need to have breakfast before lessons—which we actually have to find."

I understood now. Under that intimidating façade she was just as nervous as I was. Maybe even more so.

"It's okay, we'll have time." I smiled, grabbing my trusty cat backpack. I put some food and water down for Sooty, giving him a quick stroke before we headed off.

True to her word, Sasha was waiting in the common room for us. She was sat on the arm of a sofa, swinging her legs obnoxiously, judging people's hairstyles as they went past.

"Hey, Lyra!" Sasha said brightly, leaping off the sofa. "Who's your friend?"

"I'm her roommate, Katherine Moran," Katherine sounded professional, like she was at an interview.

Sasha looked amused. "Nice to meet you. Can I call you Kat?"

"No." Katherine gave her deadpan expression, which I was starting to realise was her favourite one to use.

Sasha raised an eyebrow to me and led the both of us to the Great Hall. It was easy to find—Sasha told us that people in Gryffindor and Ravenclaw had more trouble considering their houses were in the depths of the castle.

Breakfast was a nice—but busy—affair. I feasted on buttered crumpets and a lovely cup of tea as our timetables were handed out. I discovered we had Charms and Defence Against the Dark Arts with Gryffindor and Transfiguration and Herbology with Slytherin. I brightened, seeing that I would see Harry and Cassie more often than I thought.

Before I forgot, I quickly wrote a letter to Mum.

Shyly I asked Cedric, one of Sasha's friends if I could borrow his owl. He gave me a big smile and said: 'Of course!' He even tied the letter around his owl's leg and said I could use his owl to send letters any time I wanted. Sasha had a good taste in friends.

I'd only just thanked Cedric before he hurried off to his lesson with Sasha (who gave me a quick kiss on the head) when I heard a little squeal from behind, and almost choked on my crumpet as I was attacked by a hug from behind. Managing to swallow my crumpet without dying I turned to see Cassie latched onto my back.

She had a massive toothy grin on her face, and had her hair in a high ponytail, secured with a green ribbon. Cassie had to be one of the cutest humans alive.

"Cassie!" I exclaimed, hugging her back as she sat next to me. "How's Slytherin treating you?"

Cassie scribbled in her notebook: Pansy and Millicent are there, which sucks. But there's a couple of nice girls in my dorm. It's not as bad as I thought it'd be! How's Hufflepuff?

"Great," I replied with a smile. "We have Transfiguration together first lesson as well!"

Katherine coughed next to me, reminding me she was there. "Oh yeah—Cassie, this is Katherine. She's my roommate. There's only four of us, so they paired us off."

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