Chapter 3: Trent's Story

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                                     "When did this whole thing happen?" Tori asked Trent. Now the story begins...

                                     "I was just on the playground one day at recess..." Trent was walking through the schoolyard, talking to this girl he had a huge crush on, Lilly. They were talking, drawing, looking at the clouds, having the friendliest time. Then, there was a code red at school. Code red meaning there is someone dangerous on campus. The first thing Lilly and Trent did was run, because the guy was near the schoolyard. In Trent's eyes, the man had excessive fur, yellow cat eyes, claws like Wolverine, and had a unique tone of voice. Lilly was right behind him, he was protecting her. Lilly said in trembling fear, "What is that thing, Trent?" Trent swooped his bangs with a moving gesture, looked at her in the eyes and said, "I don't know, but whatever it is, it will not lay a finger on you." Trent decided to fight off the monster with his extraordinary karate and acrobatic skills.

                                      After five long minutes of combat, Trent finally won. There was a twist to that victory, however. Trent was bitten. It wasn't big or anything, just on the elbow a little. He was claimed Hero at the school, but they noticed him changing. Before they sent him to the nurse, Lilly talked to him. "Hey Trent. You were a real brave hero today. My hero, that is." Finally, she kissed him on the cheek, and ran to gym class. That was Trent's best day ever, not counting the werewolf transformation.

                                      When the story ended, Tori, of course, couldn't believe her eyes. Trent was covered in hair when he finished the story. Since it was day time, he turned into his normal self for the day. "Trent, I don't know who we are going to survive with you being a werewolf. Ever heard the tales? The werewolf always eats the human!" Trent looked disappointed for a minute, and started tearing up, "but I don't want to hurt you, I don't want to hurt anyone!"

                                        Tori then remembered what she was about to announce. "Trent, you and I, are moving next door. All you need is your school bag, clothes, toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, and I will bring my laptop, just in case. So, pack up immediately. As for your condition, Spencer's mom, the kid next door, is a studier of myths, and will check up on this, since she works full-time as a registered nurse, as well.

                                          Trent just nodded, and decided to believe her, and went packing for his things. Tori, also working around things of the house, tidied up the place, and called a real estate agent to help them move out today. "Okay, Ms. Michaels. We will come with a truck in a minute." Tori smiled and said. "Oh, a truck won't be needed. We are just bringing essentials that we need, like food and other items. The other items in the house not brought will be sold for money to add to the household, and the building will be bought to someone else." The real estate agent typed something, and a couple of seconds later stated, "Okay, I got everything I need in the computer. Have a fantastic evening." Tori hung up as she finished packing. About an hour or so later, they finished gathering everything they needed, and went off to a new home.

                                            Before walking a few steps to the next house, she looked back at the house she lived in for sixteen years. Memories, precious memories were there, they may be able to see it from the outside, but never inside. That's where everything was, inside. The birth of herself, the childhood she had, the birth of her brother, the death of her dad, and the death of her mother. All these tragedies, all those moments. Gone.

                                             Trent, being eager, rang the doorbell ten times before they answered. Spencer's mother seems pleasant. Tori thought, as they were welcomed into their beautiful home. "Tori, you can take the guest room next to Spencie's room. As for you Trent, your guest room will be by the living room. Before you can unpack, however, Trent, follow me and I will have a look upon your mythical transformation." Trent, being the little gentleman he is, gladly agreed and followed Mrs. Fredericks into the living room.

                                               Tori felt so excited! Her room will be next to Spencer's! Might as well pay a visit, right? As she quietly set each foot upon those steps, and into the guest room, she put her suitcase down, quickly dashed out of her room, and knocked on Spencer's room door. "Mom, I told you I-" Then, he opened the door, and to his surprise, there was Tori. "Hey Spencer! I'm finally living here now!" Tori announced in glee. Spencer smiled for the first time in a long time as he heard this exciting news. "Thank you so much for this idea, Spencer. This is really a huge impact on Trent and I. We can finally be in a full family after eight long years of living together, and before our mom died. So, again, thank you so much, and-" Spencer put a finger to her lips. "Shh. I get it, your really happy," he said, with a snicker, "I am excited, too, believe it or not. This would be a great opportunity to see what kind of a person you are." They both smiled for a couple of minutes, then started chatting about schoolwork, Lyssa, and Tori's fight. Finally, with Trent loud voice, he screamed up to them. "Dinner is ready!"

                                                  As the Fredericks-Michaels family all sat down for dinner, they were all talking about the major thing here, Trent's condition. "As you can see, Tori, he has a case of a thing that only happens in myths. The reason I know this is because-" Spencer made little gestures for her not to say anything. "Oh," she stopped, "what I meant to say was that I was a huge on studying mythical subjects, and this turned up in my studies. Trent is a real record breaker, if we were to expose him to the public." Tori looked frightened. "Don't worry," Spencer's mother  continued "he is only a half werewolf, considering he was just bitten, and not born with it. He can still get his good education, and everything. Just like the myths say, he will only turn into this ferocious beast around the nine o' clock p.m. area and will stop at around the midnight area. Nothing to worry about, and, to stop him from going on a rampage on you...and us, we will feed him meats only at the dinner table, which I stocked on before you darlings arrived." They continued their wonderful miniature feast, and headed off to their rooms.

                                                   Nine o' clock finally rose, but Trent was doing just fine, sleeping like a baby. Although everything seemed normal, and wonderful, some things arose to Tori's mind "Why was Mrs. Fredericks acting so weird at dinner? It seemed like she was...hiding something." This was added to her list of skywatching. This time, she made a whole separate page and named it "The Clues of the Werewolf, and The Family." The first thing Tori jotted down in her minuscule notebook was that Trent grew enough hair in a day that a human could grow in a year just from an afternoon school session. Another thing that frightened, and confused her was why Spencer kept telling his mother not to say anything about how she knew about Trent's condition. "I need to find a way to solve this. Either I'm in the most realistic dream ever, or something fishy is going on in this world." Tori had to ask questions. The first person she would love to stop on for questions is Spencer. He would know that he is hiding something up his sleeve.

                                                    As Tori grabbed her notebook, put it in her back pocket, and got her pen ready to write, twirling it around her fingers, she knocked on Spencer's door. "Spencer. It's me, Tori." No answer. Tori knocked again. "Come on Spencer, you can't hide forever!" she added with another snicker. No answer, again. "Alright," Tori remarked, "if you're not coming out, I'm coming in!" Tori slammed the door open, and to her surprise, no one was there. The lights were off, the computer was shut down, his bed is made still, no one was sleeping on the bed. Everything seemed normal, except one thing. Spencer's window was wide open! "Spencer? Are you in here? Your mother said no coming out of your room past nine o' clock, and you know that!" Spencer was no where. Not in the closet, not under his desk, not under his bed, no where. He disappeared. "Spencer is gone, or missing. I saw him go into his room five minutes ago." Tori thought for a minute then wrote down that Spencer was gone in a matter of five minutes. "This can't be real, this can't be true." Tori then became confident, and said with stubbornness. "I will find the answer to all of these mysterious question I have, even if it's the last thing I do."

The Sacred Life of Tori Michaels: Book 1: Shadows of LustWhere stories live. Discover now