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Chapter 2: Unexpected, Yet Somehow Expected Visit

Percy looked from me to the doorway and froze too, the two godesses standing in the doorway were a very scary sight. Aphrodite stood there watching us with a sparkle in her eyes and an expression that said 'About time, you little idiots', I secretly thought the same. Then there was Athena, standing in the doorway with an expression that changed from shocked, to hurt, to angry. "Mother, Aphrodite." I choked out.

"Finally!" Aphrodite sang as she raced over and gave us a hug. I barely acknowledged her, my mother was flickering with anger.

Percy shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot and finally said "So...how long have you been standing there?"

"Since you two saw the sleeping arrangments." Athena said coldly.

"I was watching you two on my t.v. and then Athena barged in and watched for about thirty seconds and saw you two enter this room. Then she appeared here on the t.v and I followed, I held her back and we watched you laugh and kiss, oh how romantic." Aphrodite said, wiping a tear from her eye.

"That-that kiss was just to say thanks for being there for me." Percy stuttered.

"Save it, boy. I hear the lie in your voice and I know all about how you like my daughter." Athena said.

I was shocked into silence, she just said Percy liked me. My fingers flickered and touched his hand, I held onto it, hoping the godesses wouldn't notice. Percy squeezed my fingers gently, my mother looked down at our hands and her eyes flared. Percy pulled me slightly behind him and Aphrodite squealed in delight. "You two stay away from each other," my mother said testily, she glared at Percy.

"There is a reason you came here?" I asked her implyingly.

"Just listen to me for once, that is all I have to say. I'll be watching." she threatened. With a flick of her wrist, the two beds appeared at opposite sides of the room and we averted our eyes as she disappeared.

"Charmer isn't she?" Aphrodite asked. "Well good luck, I'll send you warnings when she sneaks into my room and watches my t.v." She snapped her finger and the beds moved back to where they were before but when I looked closely, I noticed they were one bed shaped in a heart. With that, she left too.

"Well this is going to be awkward." Percy said as he appraised the bed. He layed on it, pulling me with him, we were on seperate sides but he was really close. He moved closer to me, curving his body around mine, I felt safe. "Maybe not." He layed his arm loosely around my waist and I moved closer to him. I felt his hot breathe on my neck and couldn't remember my name for a minute, my mind completely blanked out for the first time...ever. He laughed and slowly got off the bed. "If we don't leave soon, questions will be asked."

"Perv," I muttered again and blushed. Percy made his way up the steps and onto the deck with me following behind closely, he did look pretty cute with the wind whipping his messy, black hair. I saw him stiffen in concentraiton then we pulled off the docks, he relaxed when we started going a nice speed. He walked over to me and said, "There's not much we can do so I was thinking we should practice for a while. Unless you don't want to because I totally understand if you think you can't beat me."

"That's a lot of talk for a boy who wears his shirt inside-out." I said with a laugh as I looked closely at his shirt. He blushed and ripped it off. I stared for only a second. I shook my head again and took out my knife. "Come on, Seaweed Brain, you think you can take me?" I taunted.

He drew riptide and said, "On my mark. Get set. Now!" We both played mainly on the defense, we knew each others' weaknesses. "Come on, Wise Girl! That the best you got?" he asked after deflecting yet another blow. I slashed down and at the last second twisted my blade, I watched as it slid across his ribs. "Ooh," he groaned as he fell to the floor.

I dropped down next to him and examined his wound. "I'm really sorry, Percy. I honestly didn't mean to do that." I said.

"It's alright, just a scratch," he wheezed. "Just get me over to the water."

"Oh, right." I said. I helped him up and pushed him overboard, I knew it was helping him and all but I felt really bad about it. I watched as the water turned a slight red color and then the weirdest thing I've ever seen happened; the sea rose and spit Percy at me, it got me all wet and the previously mentioned son of Posiedon flew onto the deck, totally dry. "Really, you just had to do that?"

He laughed and the water rose off of me and went back into the sea. "You deserved that with slashing me open and all." he said.

"Still, that was simply uncalled for." I said. I was very irritated but I was enjoying myself all the same. I didn't see it coming, all of a sudden I was underwater and an airbubble appeared around us. Percy had pulled us off the boat and underwater, he was smiling at me. "You are the single most annoying person I have ever met. Put me back on the boat this instant." I said, I was completely irritated. How dare he have the nerve to pull me underwater? He laughed at me and swirled around my unnaturally dry body, he touched my hair and put his arm around my waist.

"Are you sure you want to go back to the boat right this second?" he breathed in my ear.

I gulped loudly and he smiled. "That depends." I whispered.

"On?" he asked.

"What you're going to do next." I answered.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Whatever you want."

"I'm taking that to heart."

He leaned in and kissed me, his lips were soft, perfect. I kissed him back eagerly, I really did like him. He pulled back after a minute and I sighed, that was nice. He smiled and grabbed my waist with his arm and pulled us up and back into the boat. He set me down on the ground of the deck and sat down next to me. I pulled my knees to my chest and stared at Percy, his hair waved in the breeze and his sea green eyes kept settling on me. I thought about earlier, Aphrodite was probably watching us, eating a bag of potatoe chips, crying, and doing her make-up all at the same time right now. I let loose a laugh and Percy raised his eyebrows.

"Just thinking about what Aphrodite is doing now." I answered his unspoken question.

I saw a flash and a heart-shaped note appeared on my lap. I read the note, it said:

Annabeth, this is so romantic. Seriously though, you really need to brush up on your look, I have put a suitcase filled with new clothes and make-up on the bed. Make sure you say the right things, it took you long enough to figure out exactly who you like. -Aphrodite

I sighed, I really didn't like being watched, Percy looked from the note to me and back to the note again. "What is that? What does it say?" he asked.

"None of your business." I replied smugly.

"Not showing me, huh?" he said. I knew what he was going to do before he did it, he lunged for the note but I slid out of the way. He tried to grab it again and I had nowhere to hide it. I sighed internally, he would know I liked him if he saw the note. I did the stupidest thing ever, I shoved the note in my mouth and chewed up the evidence. He gaped at me and I choked in disgust, paper really doesn't taste good. "Girls. Unpredicatble. What could it possibly of said that made you decide to chew it up?" he asked.

I finished chewing it into a pulp and spit it out into my hand. "I'm hungry, haven't eaten in a while." I replied. That sounded so stupid that I started laughing, after getting a weird look from Percy, he joined in too.

"Instead of eating paper, why don't we just go to the kitchen." he suggested.

"Good idea, the paper wasn't bad but the ink tasted simply horrible." I said. It was the truth, it really did taste terrible.

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