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Chapter 12: The Game Part 1

I explained the rules to everyone then let some blonde haired girl spin the bottle. It landed on a black haired boy who smiled widely. The girl buried her face in her hands as the boy said, "One kiss isn't that bad, Val."

"It had to be Jason." she muttered. He flinched at her words and stood up. She removed her hand from her face and stood up too. She relunctantly put herself right in front of him, he leaned down and kissed her eagerly. It surprised us all when she kissed him back fluently.

They kissed their five seconds but after fifteen, I cleared my throat loudly and the girl I assumed was Val, pulled away. Her face went completely red but she smiled when Jason winked at her.

When they had returned to their spots, Jason spun the bottle and it landed on Percy. "Dare." he said confidently.

"You have to go steal all the beer from the kitchen." Jason said.

"Easy." was his reply. He got up, left the room swiftly and without comment. We all just sat there, well all of us except me who sat there nervously. After a few minutes, he returned with a giant circular bin, in it was probably thirty-forty beer bottles. He smiled at me and gave me one, he grabbed one for himself and put the bin in the middle about a foot away from the bottle. Everybody had to get up and get one for themselves except me, I felt special.

Percy took a sip of his beer and spun, it landed on the bitch that has a thing for Percy. She smiled brightly and threw a glare at me. "Hey Sal, remember me from earlier?" she asked.

"What's your name again?" he asked stupidly.

She looked dismayed that he forgot already and just that made my day. "Alex and I'll take the kiss." Percy looked at me sorrowfully, I let no emotion cross my face. He got up slowly and met Bitch/Alex halfway, I drank my beer heavily until their five seconds were up.

On his way back to his seat, he pulled my ponytail playfully, I couldn't help but smile as he sat back down. He took a very long drink from his beer as if trying to get rid of the taste from his last kiss.

Alex spun and it landed on...Thalia? I hadn't seen her join the game. She sighed and said, "Truth." That surprised me and I felt wary for her, if she didn't answer she'd have to take something off.

"What is the most embarrasing thing you have ever had to do?" Bitch asked.

Thalia blushed and took off her pink half-vest that she wore over a white shirt. She spun and it landed on me. She smiled and there was only one way to interpret that smile-payback.

"Truth." I said hesitantly.

"Are you still a virgin?"

"I'm not answering that."

"Then what will you be taking off?"

Shit. I hadn't thought I'd be stuck in this position. I didn't wear any shoes or socks and I'm only wearing a tank top.

I sighed and took off my capris(?). I was wearing boxer-shorts underneath so it shouldn't be too bad. I refused to look at Percy so I looked at Thalia, I saw behind her smile a regretful look. Well she had her revenge, she asked the only question that I didn't want to answer.

I spun and hoped desperately that it would land on Percy. Well it  did not land on Percy, it landed on his complete opposite-Sam.

Percy is a son of Hermes so he made it look like he was totally at ease with stealing (which he was not. Maybe I'll make that a bonus chapter). Thalia knew that that was Annabeth's one secret, only few knew for sure. Usually there is about 6 bottles of beer in a pack so I thought 30-40 was reasonable (more in storage room). In Annabeth's mind, Alex will be refered to as either Alex or Bitch because she is a bitch.

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