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Chapter 5: Unwelcome, But Neccesary

Percy looked up at our visitor and smiled, I, on the other hand, was slightly angry. "What are you doing here?" I asked, trying to keep the acid from leaking into my voice.

She shrugged. "Thought you could use my help, don't worry, I know the whole story."

"My mother sent you, didn't she?" I asked.

Her smile wavered and I knew I was right. "Artemis and Athena did have a little talk, they didn't want you two being here by yourselves." Thalia said.

"How long have you been on board?" Percy asked.

"You guys were still sleeping when I arrived." Thalia answered.

I tried to stay calm, I couldn't blame her for that. Thalia sat down next to us and I noticed she had an expandable bag with her, go figure, Artemis' hunters don't go anywhere without them. I sighed internally as I looked at Thalia's face, 15 forever, never ageing, never getting wrinkles, never dying, but then again, never falling in love. The look on Thalia's face made me question if she could read minds now, I saw her smile slightly as I thought it. She could, couldn't she? Her smiled got even wider. Percy looked thoroughly confused and Thalia rolled her eyes, probably at his thoughts.

"Can you read minds now, Thalia?" I thought.

"A gift from Artemis." Thalia answered inside my head.

"What's Percy thinking?" I asked.

"He's wondering, and I quote, how your hair could curl so perfectly." she said.

I looked up and sure enough, Percy was staring at my hair with a look of puzzlement, I laughed and he looked into my eyes. I could definitely get used to that, now I was glad Thalia was around. Fuck, that probablly hurt her feelings. I bit my lip and looked up, Thalia just smiled at me with a knowing look.

"Sorry." I apologized.

"It's alright, I know you like Percy." she said. Woah, wait a second, how did she know that? I groaned, she knew for sure now. "You got that right." Thalia answered in my mind.

"What's he thinking now?" I asked her.

"Something about you eating a note." she explained. I felt myself blush, she'll find out soon enough, might as well tell her.

"Aphrodite sent me an embarassing note and I had to eat it so Percy couldn't see it." I told her relunctantly. I looked up at Thalia started laughing, I smiled and Percy looked even more confused. "Don't tell him." I warned her. She rolled her eyes and noded slightly.

"Okay then, let's not tell Percy what's going on." Percy said.

I touched his hand and solemly said, "If we told you, we'd have to kill you."

"Oh is that so?" he asked playfully.

"He's going to tackle you, watch out." Thalia's voice sounded in my head.

Sure enough, he lunged to tackle me but I rolled out of the way. "Percy!" I screamed as he lunged for me again.

"Tell me or I'll kiss you again." he threatened. He calls that a threat? I'd be happy if he did that.

"I don't know how you like him. He's serious too, you want me to throw him overboard?" Thalia commented.

"No, thanks. I'm a big girl now, I can handle a kiss." I said.

"Huh, you have to do it while I'm here?" Thalia asked.

"Fine, tell him that." I said.

"Percy, stop. I'm right here, Artemis would get mad if I allowed it." Thalia said with fake worry.

"Thalia, you're really starting to make me upset. I can't even kiss Annabeth? That's practically a crime." Percy complained.

"He wants you to kiss him really bad. He's thinking about last night, you guys slept together?" Thalia asked in disbelief.

I blushed a deep red and gave Thalia a very nasty look. "It's not like we did anything, Aphrodite made the beds turn into one." I said on the defense now. I still couldn't believe she would do that, did she really have to make a heart-shaped bed?

"Woah, it's a heart?" she asked in shock.

"Yeah, it's in a heart big deal, now get out of my head." I said angrily. She laughed and Percy looked even more confused, he sighed in frustration.

"Jealous much? Do you like being in the dark?" I said. He looked dismayed that there really was a secret he didn't know about. I felt kinda bad so I ruffled his hair and nudged him. He smiled and kissed my cheek, Thalia growled in disgust. "Thalia, just because you've given up on love, doesn't mean I have."

"You just had to say 'love' didn't you? Now he's thinking about it but he's to much of a coward to say anything." Thalia explained.

I blushed and fled, I ran down to our room to escape the stares. I jumped on the bed and buried my face in my pillow, I sighed and started sobbing-not wuite crying-into the pillow for no reason what so ever. I heard someone come down the stairs, the footsteps were very light so they must be Thalia's. She brushed my back reassuringly and said quietly, "Why are you crying?"

"You don't think he knows I, like, really like him, do you?" I asked her between sobs.

"I can read his mind, Annabeth. He's clueless, chill." Thalia reassured.

I wiped away the tears and sat up, Thalia patted my back and helped me up. She smiled and said, "You look like hell, you should take a shower."

"Yeah, that would be a good idea." I agreed.

I headed off to the showers and got in, the water was perfect. I thought about Percy, then I thought about Aphrodite, then I thought about Thalia. I wonder where she'll sleep tonight, and how long she's staying with us.

"Annabeth, come quick. The Princess Andromeda is almost in sight. We need to change our looks now." Thalia said.

Love is a Battlefield, Literally  (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now