As I'm shifting through Netflix I come along a show called Teen Wolf one of the actors is Dylan O'Brien. I met him a couple years back when I looked atrocious but looks like we've both grown up. What if I decide to direct message him ? Will he answe...
As I massage Dylan Jr. from his pants I hear him moan and groan and bite his lower lip . I unzip his shorts and a see a huge print through his boxers.
I pull the boxers down and his dick springs out at me . I move back feeling intimidated but I tried my best to not let it show . He is bigger than I though he was , Tyga's was never this big this won't fit in me .
I start by giving him a hand job and then beginning to swirl my tongue over the tip . He throws his head back in pleasure and moves his seat back .
" ugh Kylie stop teasing baby " he says in a desperate voice .
I begin to go ham on his dick . I don't have a gag reflex so I go in .
" damn babe you don't have a gag reflex " he says .
I finish him off and he cums in my mouth . He thought I wasn't going to swallow but I did . Tasted great 😋 .
" damn that was the best head I've ever gotten , especially in the car . You didn't have to swallow you know " he says .
I reply with " I know I didn't but I still wanted to , it tasted good babe " .
" come here gimme a kiss baby " he says .
I look at him in complete awe . My ex wouldn't kiss me after I finished him off he said it was " nasty to kiss after that " .
I shouldn't be nasty if your in a relationship and your mature . I wouldn't kiss me cause my mouth smells and tastes like semen but I feel good at the fact that he still let me kiss him .
After a long passionate kiss he finally starts the car and we get home .
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KylieJenner: He finally put an imaginary ring on it . @DylanO'BrienOfficial is now officially my man ❤️ .
DylanO'BrienOfficial, BrittRobertson , and Tyga liked this along with 1,456,088 others
username18: ^ goals. finally it's been months
username1: yasss love them together
username21 : fav couple 😝 y'all belong together
BrittRobertson: two jokes one relationship 🤣
username5: ^ salty ass hoes be like
I start giggling as I read the comments to the last picture I posted . This bitch is always so shook and triggered when I post something about me and Dylan .
I read the caption to Dylan as we both begin to laugh at the ridiculousness of what she's saying . As we pull up to his apartment building . We park the car and get out , we stand there waiting for the elevator.
Guess who comes and stands next to us . Ms. Roberson her self . I guess she didn't notice that she was standing next to us . She pulls her head up to get in the elevator .
As she notices who got in the elevator with us she begins to laugh hysterically. I grab Dylan's face and pull him into a deep passionate kiss , he laugh diales down to nothing .
Bitch was quiet asf now . As I hear the ding indicating that we are at our floor yet we get off and before the elevator leaves I put my hand through so it could stop.
I say " and uh bitch I would love if you could stop commenting under my pictures you look like a fan , like a salty one at that ."
She glares at me and stays quiet and the elevator door slams .
" clap back season has officially begun " Dylan says .
As we walk into the apartment our mouths fly open to find out the house is a complete and total mess .
" someone broke in to my house call 911 " Dylan stays .
I grab my phone and I dial 911 in complete horror .
Sorry the chapter is shorter then usual I've been trying to catch up with both books and trying to edit them at the same time . Who broke into Dylan's house ? Is someone still in the house ? Britt is a bitch right ? Comment what you all think I'd love to hear from you guys . Btw thanks for 125 reads appreciate you all .