Chapter 18

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Kylie's POV

The police gets here quickly and they see the mess that who ever broke in left . They broke the lock and everything around the house was scattered . The cops checked throughout the whole house to make sure nobody was still inside .

The intruder didn't take anything he just smash and broke stuff and left a note which read " won't last " on it .

As in Dylan and I won't last I'm guessing . This is getting out of hand like who in their right mind would go to the lengths of breaking into someone's house .

They asked us for potential culprits of course we had to say Tyga and Britt but we had to back Britt up cause she was in the elevator with us but she still could of sent someone .

The police ask if he has someone he could stay with because staying here would be dangerous .

Of course I say me because I'm his girlfriend he can stay with me . They escorted him inside the apartment to gather the items he needs to then take us home (my house) .

Once we arrive thank goodness my house is clean . I tasked Dylan if he was okay he said yes but i could tell something was bothering him .

" i just don't understand who would go to such lengths " he says .

" I know babe some people are really fucked up " I say .

" I'm lucky because I have a lot of money and I could afford to just get a new place with better security or I could just replace everything but what if it would of happened to someone else that isn't me " he says .

" I know baby I know but go take a shower so you could calm down a little bit ."

He replies with " lock the doors babe and tomorrow we will be picking out extra locks for the house , and I'm sorry I have to stay here with you for a while. I know you probably need your own privacy. "

" no babe stay here as long as you want i literally have no problem I get lonely here anyways " I say .

He walks into the bathroom and begins to take a shower . I go to my room and tidy up some more I slip into a long shirt and hop into my bed , ready for Dylan to come along so we could go to bed .

He walks in and only puts his boxers on . He slides into the bed and kisses me passionately . We're so tired from such an eventful day that we just fall asleep cuddling within like 5 minutes .


Dylan's POV

I woke up earlier than Kylie she's still sleeping like the beautiful queen she is . In the morning I'll take this time to take a picture of us and post it .

 In the morning I'll take this time to take a picture of us and post it

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* act like this is them please *

DylanO'BrienOfficial: As my beautiful girlfriend already specified yesterday " I have put an imaginary ring on it " I asked her to be my official girlfriend yesterday. It was one of the best days of my life until we went back to my place and found the place completely recked . Someone broke into my home and broke all my shit , this really frightened my girlfriend . They left a note that read " Won't last " and I'm assuming they are talking about our relationship. It doesn't matter how upset you may be nobody should ever go to the lengths of breaking the personal space so much as breaking into my home . Who ever did this we will find you the police are working on it as we speak . With this long caption being said I hope that the person that is terrorizing our relationship stops . On a side note Morning to all you beauts 💜 !

username1 , username18 , and KimKardashian liked this along with 2,400,234 others

username1: how sad I hope that this person leaves you guys along , you deserve to be happy .

username89: wow so sad , wouldn't have thought you guys were being terrorized stay safe .

username6: so happy for you guys congrats but the breaking in part is just so sick people disgust me .

KimKardashian: my sister finds true happiness finally, and someone try's to tear you guys down im praying for you guys and also sending some security to the house .


As I read the comments I feel so lucky to have such a sympathetic and amazing supporters . I love them all seriously and Kim sending security sounds amazing , mostly to keep her safe .

I haven't meet anyone in her family yet but she's told me so much about them and I'm guessing she has told them about me .

I would love to meet them but as you could see we are currently not in the best situation to meet anyone right now .

I quickly get up from the bed being careful not to wake her . I walk to the fridge to see what type of breakfast items she has .

I take out some frozen waffles out the freezer and pop em' in a toaster and quickly whip some eggs + cheese for my baby .

I finish up cooking and serve it in a plate and put it away for my girl . I grab my plate and sit at the dining area when I hear a knock on the door . I get up and check the peephole and see it's some girl .

I open up the door and this mystery girl is wearing very tight shorts and a tank top . Of course me being the gentlemen I am I don't look down at all cause i have a girlfriend .

Mystery Girl : Kylie you bitch I've been trying to get a hold —- your not Kylie OMG YOUR STILES I MEAN DYLAN . why am I yelling how embarrassing. Hi I'm Emily Pratt I live across the whole I'm Kylie's apartment building bff .

Me : ugh nice to meet you I'm Dylan but I assume you know that already.

Emily Pratt : um yes Kylie and Me binged watched your whole show together . By the way can you score me a date with Tyler Posey please he's so hot .

Me: hahaha I'll put in a good word for you

Dylan : oh um Kylie is sleeping right now so if you wouldn't mind passing ——

Emily Pratt : boo that whore I'll go wake her up

She shoved the door open and walked in like she owned the place .

Emily : before I wake her up I'll go to the bathroom real quick .

I sit back at the dining table and finish my breakfast up . Emily then comes and stands over to me and tells me that she left something on the stove that she'll be over in a few .

I walk her out and lock the door . I put my dirty dish in the sink and walk back into the room to wake up my baby .

I hop into bed with her and scratch her head and whisper " baby wake up already I miss you "

Kylie's POV

I flutter my eyes open and I see my beautiful boyfriend . I plant a kiss on his lips and I start to stretch out so I could go eat because I'm so hungry .

Dylan : babe by the way your friend Emily Pratt game over today she shoved me to get inside the house and wake you up but then she remembered she had some food on the stove she said she'll pass by later .

I look over at him with wide eyes " I don't know an EMILY PRATT "


It's been a long time since I've updated its because I love this book and it isn't getting the recognized it deserves and I'm so upset about it . My " One Text " book is doing good and I'm so happy but I missed this book so
Here I am guys , hopefully more updates . I hope you like the twist at the end .

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