As I'm shifting through Netflix I come along a show called Teen Wolf one of the actors is Dylan O'Brien. I met him a couple years back when I looked atrocious but looks like we've both grown up. What if I decide to direct message him ? Will he answe...
As I walk to my car paparazzi's are taking pictures of me and I feel overwhelmed. As soon as I get to my car I fiddle with the keys a bit and finally open the car door.
I put the address on my phone and the GPS tells me it's 20 minutes away which is perfect not to far and not too close.
Before I take off I take a picture and post it on Instagram.
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KylieJenner: Out And About ✨
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Username20: where is she going looking so beautiful ? Username1: ^ probably to Dylan'a house TygatheKing: 😍😍 Username10: ^ give up she got a man's
---Dylan's DriveWay---
As I get out the car I get an Instagram notification saying that Tyga commented on my picture. When I see this I just suck my teeth and curse under my breath. We've been done for 6 months and all of a sudden I see he comments under my pictures ' boy bye ' 🖕🏽.
KylieJenner: baby I'm outside about to get in the elevator
DylanO'BrienOfficial is typing...
DylanO'BrienOfficial: alrighty I'll buzz you in
There is something a little bit off about this text. He wouldn't usually respond like this but I won't read to much into it.
As I knock on the door he swings the door open and greets me with a kiss on the cheek and a warm smile. But then he seems like he's not fully pleased and he pulls me into a hug and shouts " ohhhh baby " . Which makes me smile so hard my smile spreads out ear to ear .
" aww look at my happy beautiful baby " Dylan says But I'm distracted because something smells good in the kitchen . " earth to Kylie " he says and I instantly snap out of it .
" sorry I got distracted what are you making it smells amazing " I asked.
" Typical women always get distracted because of food " Dylan says. Which is very true .
" I'm making mac and cheese and apple pie for dessert but I'd much rather have you " he says while he winks.
My panties are wet already and I've only been here for 5 minutes . I bite my lip and sit on the couch.
" make yourself comfortable babygirl " Dylan said
Enough said I was already removing my heels and taking my uncomfortable bra off and stuffing it in my purse.
Dylan's POV
As she takes her heels of I see her slipped her hand into her silky flowy dress that complements her body so well. Then I see her put it her purse. When she took her bra off her boobs didn't sag but they were very perky so she didn't need a bra .
" oh baby that's my job " I say
From the corner of my eye I can see her blush while she walks towards me . She sits on the bar stool and watches me cook. Then I see her take her phone out which automatically makes me put both my middle fingers up.
She laughs hysterically as she see's the picture and I take her phone away and put it in the cabinet.
" hey wth was that for " Kylie said
She sounded so cute I can't even. " the food is ready baby " I said and I see a smile come across her face
*20 minutes of laughing and Kylie stealing my food*
When we finish eating I asked her if she wanted to see a movie and she said yes. I asked her which one and ofc she had to pick Maze Runner .
I think it's weird watching the shows and movies I star in but I still watch it sometimes.
--- 1 hour into the movie ---
I pause it and hold he face so she could be looking at me. I have to talk to you Kylie .
" do you and Tyga have anything going on anymore ?" She sucks her teeth in and says no .
" Kylie im serious I seen him comment under your picture and it made me really upset " I said
Kylie's POV
Oh that's why he was so upset. I told him " baby no we broke up 6 months ago we've been done I haven't even talk to him since idek why he commented under my picture"
He said " oh okay because your mine I don't want to see anyone comment under your pictures like that , will you go on another date with me tomorrow night"
I gasp and say yes . He grabs my face and kisses me passionately. I've never felt someone kiss me like this before not even Tyga and I was with him for 3 years .
---Author's Note---
Here is a long chapter for you guys it took me a long time to write but I'll be cracking more chapters for you soon because school ends in 8 days.
I got my interest back for writing this book so stay tuned great things coming xoxo 💋.