Chapter 14

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Kylie's POV

I wake up and I see Dylan laying next to me , and my cheeks turn a bright pink remembering what he did to me yesterday. As he sleeps I snuggle in closer to him so I could hug and give him little kisses all over his face .

I never thought that from texting like " friends " at first it would end up like this . I mean we aren't official but we're getting some where . He seriously makes me so happy , happier than Tyga ever made me . I wasted 3 years of my life with that piece of shit to then have him give up on me like that .

As I start to peck him on the lips while he sleeps (a lil weird but cute) he then snakes his arm along my waist and pulls me in closer than I already was . He kisses me so passionately and slow . After a while of kissing I start to get a little touchy lol .

Since we were so close his penis was very close to my to my ' cookie ' so I kind of started to get a lil turned on . I flipped myself onto him and pull the covers over my head to cover us.

At this point his penis is right there close to my entrance . I start to rub against him to cause a bit of friction and to get him hard. I start hearing Dylan groaning.

Which causes me to moan out a little bit. He then flips me over and gets on top of me (they still have clothes on) . His penis is so close to my entrance i just want him to fill me up already.

Dylan groans under his breath and says " someone's a little horny this morning " . I start to giggle a little and say " I just want you inside of me already " I bite my lip a lil bit , which I know drives him crazy .


There she goes again with the lip biting. I grab her in the face and whisper " the only person that's supposed to bite your lips is me " then I roughly kiss her which owns me a small moan from her.

" Baby I want to go on a date , later on today I assume your going home to shower and stuff ." I say

" aww baby another date ? Are you sure ? how should I dress " she says .

" you should dress comfortable " I say .

" okay babe what time do you want to take me on this mystery date " she says.

" right now it's 10 am I want to go out to the date at 6 pm " I say .

" okay so I'll have to leave at 4 or something ." She says .

She gets up from the bed and heads out the door to my kitchen , I get up following behind her .

" I know your not about to make breakfast for us right ? Because I ordered breakfast from outside " I say .

" you didn't have to do that I know how to cook breakfast " she says rolling her eyes at me .

—- 10 minutes later —-

The food is finally here we sit on the counter and were giggling and eating . I've never felt this type of connection with a girl . I feel a connection past attraction already I swear I'm in love with her already . She stole my heart .


well by the time we're done with breakfast we go back on his bed and I lay on top of him while I tug on his hair and give him kisses. I absolutely love kissing Dylan my new favorite thing . We lay down and watch an episode of iCarly .

I took an hour nap and by the time I woke up it was time for me to go home and shower. Dylan walks me to the door and then kisses me , then I press the button for the elevator and wait .

When it stops of course Britt has to be in the elevator , well I mean she lives here 🤦🏽‍♀️ .
I step in and it instantly gets awkward. Then I hear her chuckle under her breath I look at her and glare .

Wtf is funny with this bitch ?

" um yes am I missing something " I say

She replies with " you honestly thinks that Dylan can get over a 4 year relationship in 10 months , he doesn't want you he's still in love with me . Your a rebound . "

While those words slipped out her mouth like butter I felt like I was being stabbed in the back for some reason . I tried to shake off the fact that I was upset and actually worried . What if she's right ? I actually really like him so much . Maybe to much .

" fuck off Britt " I say . Sounding as cold as possible. She looks at me in shock and fixes her face before I could notice but it was to late .

* Ding Ding *

The elevator stopped at the building garage and I hop into my car and cried .

Authors Note

I was supposed to update this a long time ago but a lot of shitty shit has been happening tbh . So yea this is a long  chapter to make up for it I hope this is enough and I'll try to update my other book later on next week or maybe tomorrow if your lucky . Happy 4/20 potheads !

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