Ch. 19 ~Nervous~

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A/N: Surprise update. Seriously it's a surprise even for me. I didn't expect to write anything for a while for this story. But I guess the unexpected happens! Enjoy my beautiful readers.


"Disgraceful! "

"Pathetic! "

"Shameful! "

"Miserable! "

Y/N's body shook as unshed tears clouded his eyes. His father had been shouting at him for only a few minutes but it felt like a lifetime.

"Your math score barely passed. What have you been doing in school? Sleeping? Or maybe even fooling around with girls? This grade is as worthless as you! " Y/N father ripped up Y/N report card in front of him.

Tears was now streaming against Y/N face. His little fingers shook as he shakily wipe them away. He didn't understand why his father is so angry at him. Every subject in his report card says he passed.

"B-but I passed— "

Y/N felt fear as his father loom in front of him. His cold, furious eyes trained on a young and shaking Y/N.

"Pass? Pass!? I don't care if you pass. I want you to get the highest grades possible. If it wasn't for my contacts you wouldn't even be in the prestigious school you're in. You really think you— "

"Joel, that's enough, "

"Mommy! " Y/N ran into his mother's comforting arms.

"It's okay, Y/N. " Y/N mother smiled softly at him.

"You always treat him like a baby. " Joel spat in disgust. "Sooner or later he'll know that passing and succeeding are two wholly different things. " He cast one more hard look at Y/N before storming out of the living room.

"Mommy, " Y/N whisper as he sniffle in his mother's embrace.

"What is it, my love? " The soft fingers combing through Y/N hair calmed him down.

"Does d-daddy h-h-hate me? "

Y/N heard his mother sigh before her fingers left his hair and gently turn his head to face hers.

"Your father doesn't hate you, darling. Not one bit. " She smiled softly. Her eyes showing the love and care Y/N received all of his life. "Your our beautiful boy. No one could hate that big heart of yours. "

"Y/N, Y/N, earth to Y/N, "

"Huh... What? "

Camila raise one eyebrow at him. "You were practically daydreaming on your breakfast. "

It took a few seconds for Y/N to grasp the situation. His hand immediately wipe the drool on his mouth as his other hand rub the sleep out of his eyes.

"Sorry, I didn't get any good sleep last night. "

"Yeah, I can see that. "

Y/N could feel exhaustion clouding his brain. He just wants to fall into his soft bed and sleep for a week. But he regretfully can't. Today is the day he'll take up Sarah's recommendation for work.

"Are you sure you should go today? You look like you haven't slept for a week. "

"That's cause I didn't... " Y/N grumble.

"What? "

Y/N shook his head. "Nothing. I'm fine. It's been a few days; I know I'm ready. "

Finishing his breakfast in a flash Y/N stood up and place his empty plate at the sink. His leg didn't ache that much that he has to rely on his cane, but he still can't go for long periods of time without it.

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