"You don't live in the reality"

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Parzival point of view

I was crowded by avatars wanting to get a photo while I was waiting for Artemis and Kitty. Then I feel a tap on my shoulder but I turn around and see nobody until I get lucky enough and catch the person wishing it was Kitty but it was Artemis

"Wow you look great I love your suit"

"Thanks, you look good too, "I say with a smile
Artemis was wearing a long hot pink dress that pretty much shows everything

"Have you seen Kitty?"I ask Artemis

"No, maybe she didn't want to come" then I look up and see people staring at a girl with peach and grey skin with a long white flowy dress with purple hair in a ponytail then when I got a better look at her it was Kitty.

"No, maybe she didn't want to come" then I look up and see people staring at a girl with peach and grey skin with a long white flowy dress with purple hair in a ponytail then when I got a better look at her it was Kitty

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Artemis saw my face and turned around to see Kitty walking to us

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Artemis saw my face and turned around to see Kitty walking to us.

"Close your mouth you might catch flies," she says closing my mouth

*Kitty's point of view*

Parzival and Artemis were talking about Karen and Halliday but I felt a weird vibe I looked up to where Harley Quinn was sitting but didn't see her I only say a big scary looking guy staring at me and talking by himself. I was about to go up to him but Parzival...

"Kitty, are you listening?"I looked at him


"What are you looking at," he asked

"At him"but when we turned around there was no one

"At who, "asked Artemis

"He must've left"I mumbled


"No one!" with that they turned around and went to the edge where people jump off to dance

"Ok we're in this together," said Artemis putting her hand back so Parzival can get it
"C'mon I don't bite," she said with a laugh "together"

"Together," said Z I was starting to walk back but he grabbed my hand and pulled me with them. I fell with them and my dress flew up like Marlyn Monroe's that I had to put my hand down so it won't show my everything then we were floating in thin air where everyone else was dancing. Artemis started dancing with Parzival so I decided to dance with someone else and that person happen to be Joker. We started dancing until Harley cam and took him. While I was floating I saw Artemis and Z dancing but Artemis started getting very touchy with Z. She was actually touching his...his I don't want to sound like a pervert but she was touching the sides of his penis. I felt something in me erupt like jealousy. I don't know but I flew to them and

"Can I dance? "I ask Artemis looks at me then at Z but before she could say anything Z got my hand and twirled me and started dancing

"Where where you I was looking for you but I didn't see you."He asks

"Oh, I was dancing with Joker why"His smile faded twirled me closer to him which made me smile.

"Mmm" he hums "Kitty I love you"

"Mmm... Wait what"I say stopping us

"I said I love you...and my name is Wade"

"I've heard that name before, "I say looking at his eyes "but you don't love me you only love what you see not what I really am you'll be disappointed in me"I look down but he moves my chin up to look at him

"I do...what's your name...(L/n)"I wide my eyes at him and push him

"How do you know my last name" I shout at him

"I'm sorry I"

"Are you some type of stalker or kidnapper"I shout in anger

"No.." but he didn't finish cause chaos erupted. There where sixers everywhere shooting. Artemis came up to us and took out her gun and started shooting. I took out my call of duty gun and started killing the sixers until Wade I mean Parzival took out a Rubix cube and threw it at them and made them go back in time 60 seconds. I and Artemis grabbed Parzival by the wrist and took him so the exit and left.

"That was awe..." but I didn't let him finish I kicked him in the gut and made him fall

"No that wasn't awesome they almost killed us...You don't know what happens if Sorrento gets control Over the Oasis he would have control of the world as well!" "You don't know how it feels to lose your family or being chased by Sorrento and threatened to be killed or go to the loyalty center and being this close to get kidnap. You don't live in the real world!" And with that a run and pixelated away

Comment if you liked this chapter😊
bye love y'all 😘

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