"Let it linger?"

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*My point of view*

After Artemis and I get the second key we all take a break but before I left Samantha stopped me and told me

" (y/n) if IOI come I need you and Wade to leave and leave me behind"I look at her in disbelief

"Nope I'm not gonna be a coward, I'm not gonna run from everything like I always do. I'll stay if that happens I promise"I say seriously while I put my hand in her shoulder. 

5 minutes later

I sit down outside in the balcony and feel someone next to me. I turn and see Wade and my heart starts pumping super fast I thought it will jump out of my chest. I smile at him and smiles back at me making me almost melt but I just laugh off my lovey-dovey self.

"What are you laughing at?" asks Wade confused

"Just...Just thinking about how in two days we already have two keys to Halliday's impossible challenge"

"Well know that I think of it...it isn't that impossible," he says giving me a grin and I chuckle

"Your right" he grabs my hand and looks me in the eye

" (y/n) I really love you and not just cause your thee Crystal Cat or Kitty. I love you for you I mean your pretty kind when you want to, yeah you can be a show-off but your still the girl I fell in love within our first encounter"I felt my heart melt literally but remembering how he is with Samantha I frown

"If you really love you wouldn't have danced with her at the club the way you did or when we where in The Shinning you too wouldn't have looked at each other the way you did so you don't love me it's just you being a hormonal teenager, "I say trying to keep my composer but failed. Wade looks at me in a hurt way

"What do you mean"I didn't let him finish because I interrupted him

"And what about when you first met Samantha you literally caressed her cheek and told her she was beautiful and all the same way a boyfriend would. So what.. you want me to let it Linger I don't think so "and with that, I walk inside leaving Wade alone. When I walk inside the tattoo dude was going to the market so I said I was going with. Just get my mind off things

꧁J̺͆u̺͆s̺͆t̺͆ a̺͆ P̺͆l̺͆a̺͆y̺͆e̺͆r̺͆ ꧂ (ready player one x reader)Where stories live. Discover now