"Now is not the time Wade"

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I kept riding my bike to where Iron Giant a.k.a Aech and saw Artemis was about to throw a bomb at Sorrento and then boom Mega Godzilla was dead well and Sorrento.
I rode all the way to Parzival and Sho and saw there was a huge gap of lava in front of us.

"What are we going to do now?" And Iron throws itself as a bridge and put my bike back into my inventory and change to my normal clothes and run to the other side with Artemis and then I see the same big guy from the club and he had a gun. Then Sho thru a ninja star and it broke the guy's hand then Parzival and Sho ran over to Artemis and me and we ran inside the cave. And we hide in e back of a rock.

"Are you still in the IOI center?"

"Yes, "I tell him

"You need to get out.."I turn to the side and ignore Parzival and I hear him sigh

"Samantha you know I love you" I knew this was going to happen. He doesn't love me he loves her

"Know's not the time Wade"

"But I love and I have to do this" I turn around and look at him


I hear Nolan looking for me and Samantha


"(Y/n) what are you looking at there's nothing there" and I look down "you're in trouble right" And I nod "I'm sorry Samantha"

"No Wade" and he shoots her

"You'll forgive me for this" and he points the gun at me

"No no no no, Wade doesn't"

"I'm sorry (y/n)"

"NO!" I pounce at him and he shoots me.


I fall to the ground and unbuckle myself and start running to the entrance and find Samantha and we both start running.

3rd point of view

"Hey is that them"

"2 brunettes one short and one tall don't know what universe they're in yep that's them"

They drive to them and Daito comes out "I'm Daito c'mon"

And both girls go in and stare at Aech

"I know wasn't what you excepted"

꧁J̺͆u̺͆s̺͆t̺͆ a̺͆ P̺͆l̺͆a̺͆y̺͆e̺͆r̺͆ ꧂ (ready player one x reader)Where stories live. Discover now