I've Found my Wish (A short story)

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'Kimi,' someone speaks.

'Yes?' Kimi turns around. Her eyes fill with tears of joy. 'You came back. You came back!'

She never thought that they would come back. It was her one wish


It was only a dream. They would never come back.


'Hello?' Kimi says quietly.


No response.

'Mommy, are you here?' She says, a bit louder. She walks into the kitchen, where your only parent usually is because it reminds her of him.


It's empty.

The silence is getting to her, making her feel... almost unnerved.

'Mother?!' Kimi calls out, fear settling into her core. She runs from room to room, down every hall, up every flight of stairs. When she's already searched about every inch of the house, there's a wall, an opening, slightly ajar

A hidden room? She questions herself. Slowly, she walks toward it, afraid of what she'll find. The creaks echo when you open it. Silence so thick following after. Fitting, for what she saw inside.


She found her mother.

Dead in a pool of blood.


Kimi was only four at that time.

She silently wept in a narrow alleyway. There's a faint meow and Kimi feels soft fur rubbing against her tattered, bare legs. Now, 8 years had passed, but that memory kept coming back to haunt her.

'A cat?' Kimi murmurs. She picks it up, the cat not minding at all. 

'Your fur's really soft. Can I call you Ayumu? From what I can remember, your name means walk, dream and vision. Do you like it?' She asked. The cat purred, as if accepting that name. Kimi and Ayumu turned to the entrance of the alleyway, no one, but the could her foot steps becoming louder and louder.

A person. She had long, black hair. She had a strand of colored hair in her ponytail.

'Hi! Are you lost? Or...?' the girl asks cheerily.

'Umm, I'm not really sure. I mean, I kinda guess I'm an orphan?' Kimi says.

'I see. Do you want to stay at my apartment? Like, I have a spare room there and we can decorate it to you and your cat's liking!' She suggested. 

'Oh, and my name's Krystal!' Krystal added.

'Alright?' Kimi answered, almost unsure. 'But, I have nothing. My parents, they both died. I'm homeless. All I have is this box and my clothes. I don't get why you would want to help someone so pathetic like me,' Kimi replied, unsure if this was another trick, out of pure kindness and pity or just because-

'No. You are not pathetic. You know, I lost my parents as well. Just like you did,' Krystal said.

'I hear footsteps. We need to hide. They're the people who killed my mother,' Kimi warned. She spread out her black demon wings, grabbed her cat and her newly-met friend, and flew to the roof top of one of the apartment blocks next to her. Three people pranced through, like a lion trying to find their prey in an overgrown grassland. Kimi instantly knew their names. Jake, Maya and Ferd. Krystal's fool slipped and she let out a yelp before she tumbled down the building. Kimi quickly set Ayumu down and jumped off, catching Krystal before she hit the ground and brought her back up to the roof.

'Hey!' Jake yelled, 'You little demon. Come back here now! Maybe you've escaped, but we still have to kill you!' Maya and Ferd pulled out a Taser and a ALFA-PROJ Model 3530. Maya shot three times, hitting Kimi in the wings, arm and chest. She fell, coughing up blood. Ferd kicked her in the stomach making her regurgitate up more red liquid. It wasn't long before Kimi blacked out.


Kimi woke up to Krystal shaking her gently.

'Are you alright? I've bandaged up your wounds.' Kimi stirred.

'Nnng. My head and my stomach really hurts. My wings do too,' Kimi groaned.

'Here, have a glass of water. When you've rested up and feeling better, let's go to the beach!' Krystal offered while Ayumu jumped up onto Kimi's bed. Kimi gulped down the water. She nodded, signalling to Krystal that they could go to the beach.

'Alright, let's exit my shabby apartment and head to the beach!'

The sand on the beach was nice and warm. It reminded Kimi of her mother.

'Hey Kimi, I want to ask you a question.' Kimi nodded, telling her to continue 'What was your wish?' Krystal inquires.

'My wish, is to have my family back,' Krystal nodded respectfully. Ayumu curled up closer to Kimi.

The sun started setting, leaving the sky with atint of orange, purple, blue and pink.    

A/N: AHHHH! THIS WAS TERRIBLE! I also found out that it was November since I started this... 

Welp. Anyway, I never really updated cuz, well, I just did it for fun. Never to really get any views. Haha~

Stay fresh~!

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