Chapter 9

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*Alex's POV*

"So your friend's been telling me you've been sleeping with my sweater and that you can't stop missing me. Bet my friend's been telling you I'm not doing much better 'Cause I'm missing half of me. And being here without you is like I'm waking up to Only half a blue sky Kinda there but not quite I'm walking around with just one shoe I'm half a heart without you. I'm half a man at best, With half an arrow in my chest I miss everything we do, I'm half a heart without you." I sang as I was writing a random story. "That was beautiful Alex" I heard Zayn say from behind me. When I heard him I nearly had a black hole attack "how long have you been there?" I ask scared. "Since you started singing. I didn't know you sang" he says sitting on my bed, I shrug a little then say "well I'm not Ashlynn, I don't like letting people know things about me." "Well, I would love to know about you" Zayn says before kissing my chhek.

I laugh a little "what are you laughing about?" he asks "well it's just that. When everyone is around I can't get your lips off of mine and now you kiss my cheek" I explain "well do you want me to kiss your lips?" he asks "nah. I'm good" I say lying on the bed "am I that bad of a kisser?" Zayn asks. "Meh" I tell him "ouch, I think I have to change your mind" he says getting closer.

Just as he was about to kiss me, I stop him then say "my kisses are a privilage, not a right" "please? Just one little kiss" he begs "aww. No" I mock his tone of voice "no fair, you give Gabe kisses" Zayn pouts "yes because one he's adorable two he's 3 and lastly I've know him his whole life" I tell him looking at my phone "what you saying I'm not adorable? And I'm gonna be your husband in two months" he continues pouting. I roll my eyes at him "ok, I said adorable, not hot and so what? You can go out there in the world and marry anyone, kiss anyone. Plus marriage is just a piece of paper and 'husband' is just a title"

After I said that I saw the hurt on his face an immedietly regreted what I had just said. "Ok then, I'm just gonna go back to my room. Later" he then gets up off my bed "Zayn wait, I didn't mean it like that" but it was too late. He already left my room.

I threw my phone to the other side of my room and ran my fingers through my hair angrily. "How could I have done that?! The guy just wants to make me happy, he wants to marry me. And I'm just pushing him away. Damnit!! I'm such an idiot!"

*Zayn's POV*

After she said that hurt was on my face and immedietly I said. "Ok then, I'm just gonna go back to my room. Later" I get off her bed "Zayn wait, I didn't mean it like that" but it was too late. I already left her room.

"Fuck! What am I doing wrong?! I love her, but it's obvious she doesn't feel the same way about me. Maybe I should give her some space?" I ask myself.

Suddenly I hear a knock on my door. I open it and am greeted by Alex's lips on mine, a sweet and amazing feeling, when I realized that she was kissing me, I immedietly kissed back. After a few minutes of kissing I remembered what she said about marriage. So I slowly pull away from her lips and manage to say "I can't" Alex looks up to me and says "Zayn, please. I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said-" before she could say another word I said "then why did you say it?!" She looks down and says "When I was a kid, I couldn't wait to get married and have my own family but after the divorce I never looked at anything the same way, especially marriage"

I felt my anger level go down and my face soften. I guess I can't really blame her, I just hope I can bring some of the old Alex back.


Hello internet, sorry I took so long to update. I spent most of July in Great Britain and Ireland with little to no wifi :(

I also spent the last week and a half unpacking, washing clothes, seeing friends and family, etc.

But I will try to update again soon

Later don't die!!! (stay swaggy)

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