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Here we go again. It feels like the five millionth time my father has fought with my stepmother. Hearing their loud yells and insults always frighten me. their fights have been going on for the past few months and i'm scared of what might happen. 

I feel like these days are a replay of what happened a few years back.

My mum left us when i was five. By far, the most saddest memory of her was when she last walked out of that door. She did everything for me. That was until she and my dad couldn't sort things out for themselves. We were going through a really rough time back then. My dad worked only for our house and my education. We had so little money that we couldn't afford new school shoes for me. I've been wearing the same shoes since 9th grade and thankfully they still fit.

but soon, Me and my dad couldn't bare anymore loneliness. the only solution was for him to get married.

and he did

to the sweetest lady out there. Almost as sweet as my mum. She's been nothing but nice to me. Not once my dad has heard a complaint from me.

Dad chose well. just hearing them fight upstairs scares me.

I just don't get it. this is only our second year together. Everything was so peaceful back when it was Christmas. No broken glass, no crying. Just laughter and smiles.

I also have a step brother who is a year older than me. He's also pretty cool. We're as close as real siblings. But the real annoying thing is that he is over protective just like a real older brother by blood. He doesn't like seeing me with boys he knows will break my heart. But I listen to him. He knows what's best for me. After all, he is the smarter one I have to admit

And me? I'm Casey. Casey Alastair. Im a normal seventeen year old who doesn't like parties or studying. Im not a cake face nor a teacher's pet. I like to think that im stuck in the middle of the cliques at my school. Im certainly not popular but I am well known. Most because of my step brother who is one of the most popular guys at our school. I, on the other hand, am a cheerleader. Not a full on cheerleader though. I like to spread positivity by cheering and my high level of confidence is the key.

Its my confidence that has gotten me through years of rough times. Im always confident for the future. I always believe something good is going to happen. When something goes terribly wrong, it always turns around in the ending. Like most novels or movies. 'And they lived happily ever after'

The only times im not confident is when i have to present in front of a crowd. It always suprsies people when i stutter or go pale when im doing a speech since im literally so out going put of class. But everyone has two sides to them.

Hearing glass shatter from upstairs caused me to snap my head around. I sighed in frustration. As i said, im use to them fighting. But its frustrating when im in the middle of watching the little mermaid.

I pressed the pause button as I heard keys at the front door. 

That must be him. 

The door opened revealing my step brother and the first thing he noticed was the fight that was going on upstairs. he muttered some things under his breath and made his way towards me

"How long have they been fighting for?" Charles asked as he flopped down next to me, dropping his feet on the coffee table.

"Since this morning" I answered, looking at the staircase.

"I really wish sometimes I could just move out and live with joey" he mumbled, glancing at his feet which were swaying.

My stomach tighten by the mention of his name. "Yeah....joey"  I tried hiding my blush.

Joey birlem. The only thing in this world that has made me shy. Ever since Charles introduced me to him I have been doing nothing but fall for him every second. I don't  believe in love at first sight but heck he's so attractive. But the only thing is, he's off limits.

He's Charles' best friend. I don't even know why i try. It just feels like joey is the only good looking guy I see and in reality,  he probably is. Charles would always say that joey is not right for me but I go ahead and not listen to him for the first time.

Joey is known as a family friend to our family. He sure does come over often that we're planning on to make the guest bedroom his bedroom.

He comes so often that he sometimes hear the fights that are usually going on. He doesn't mind it but he does get triggered sometimes by it.

Speaking of the man himself...

"Charles" joey popped his head through the door and my cheeks flushed red. "Mind if I crash here tonight? My sister brought her boyfriend home and he's a douche" he made his way towards the couch. We all know that wasn't a question because my brother always replies with,

"Yeah sure. Just as long as you don't mind all the yelling" Charles looked at him apologetically

Joey nodded and sat down, locking eyes with me. "Hey Case" he smiled and I fluttered my eyes, not knowing what to say

I tucked a strand of hair out of my face. "Hey" I responded. "How's you're car coming along?" Out of all the questions in the world you choose to talk about his car?! Stupid Casey

"I still need to fix some parts and then it will run. I just need to get new tires and maybe repaint it" he shrugged, rubbing his hands together . "How's cheerleading? I heard the routine is going to be big since the big Homecoming game is coming up" he smirked and I let out a small laugh, thinking about the routine

"Its going well" I nodded. "I still look like a potato running around the field though"

"You do not" he scowled, "you're amazing" he smiled which made my heart beat faster

"Okay, I've had enough" Charles suddenly spoke and slapped his hands on his legs. I almost forgot he existed. "You, stay away from my sister. And you, stay away from my best friend" Charles darted his eyes at me and signalled joey to get up

"Lets go play some ball outside before it gets dark. Casey, Why don't you go back to watching the little mermaid" Charles scoffed and joey chuckled at his comment

I hate how I have a crush on my step brother's best friend

End of chapter
Welcome lovelies to my new book! :)
Hope you enjoyed te first chapter . I know is sucked but it will get better soon💗

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