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"Hey finally you guys are home" Charles said as joey and I entered through the front door. "what took you guys so long?" he asked. at this moment, I did not know what to say at all. do I lie to him and tell him that I lost my car keys and leave out the part where joey and I had confessed our feelings for each other then I almost got robbed by the people I can call my friends now? 

it could work. 

"I lost the car keys" I shrugged. one of the most annoying things about me is that I can't lie for my life. especially to Charles. you may be wondering why I even agreed on this confusing relationship with joey when I cant lie to the person i'm suppose to lie to. how could I resist? have you seen joey? have you met his pure heart?

"you didn't take the car..." Charles knitted his eyebrows. oh...right. 

maybe if I laugh he wouldn't suspect anything. 

"hahaha im going to bed now hahahaha. goodnight Charles haha!" I fake laughed as I rushed to the stairs. 

"Casey, you haven't had dinner-

"I want to sleep!" I shouted. "....hahahahah!" I added after I realised I sounded harsh. man i'm stupid as the people who haven't decided to make zip lock bags to put cereal in. like seriously, why hasn't anyone invented that yet?

"haha! im going to the bathroom....hahaha" joey joined and tagged behind me. acting agencies can hit us up. as soon as Charles was out of our sight, I sighed in relief and face palmed. why did I agree to do this? oh right. joey. thats because. 

"hahaha yay! we're alone ahahah" joey laughed and I rolled m eyes playfully 

"joey, we can stop laughing now" I whispered. 

"haha what? can't he still hear us hahahah" joey questioned and I shook my head. 

"just stop laughing and-

"but it's fun hahahah" joey interrupted me and I threw my hands in the air. 

"then have fun in the bathroom" I scoffed and then started walking away. 

"wait! why the bathroom?" joey asked as I felt his hand grab my wrist. 

"dont you need to go?" I asked and he snorted.

"I only said that because I wanted to spend more time with you" he answered and I felt my cheeks warm up. 

"we already spent the whole day together" I stated. 

"thats not enough" he grinned and I crossed my arms

"but you told Charles you were going to the bathroom" I said. "it would be suspicious if he doesn't hear a flush" 

"I never said which bathroom." he huffed. " I know you have a bathroom in your room" 

I hate how he can tell the truth to Charles but out smart him. he needs to teach me how to do that. because all I could do right now is lie and fail miserably. I literally lied about loosing the car keys. I only notice that the car keys were in front of Charles, on the tea table. screw my life. 

after we got to my room, I insisted that joey slept on my bed for the night and I could sleep on the floor. we only started dating a few hours ago so I don't really want to speed things up and sleep in the same bed. please don't think it in a different way you dirty minded people. 

"Charles is going out with Brandon for this midnight all you can eat or something" I informed joey and he nodded, tucking his hands in his jean pockets

"woah what are you doing?" he questioned as I got my sleeping bag out. 

"you're sleeping on my bed" I replied in a 'duh' tone. 

"doesn't mean you're sleeping on the floor" he shook his head and walked up to me. "it's cold and I don't want you to get sick. I care about you, case" he smiled and took the sleeping bag right out of my hands. why didn't my hands try to take it back?

"but if I sleep in the same bed as you, wouldn't you feel...uncomfortable?" 

"it's not the firs time we've slept in the same bed, Casey" he chuckled. "remember last year at New Years. your family rented a cabin and invited my family too?" 

I remember that night perfectly. I just don't want to say anything because I know it too well I could literally count the amount of steps I walked back then.

"you got scared because my sister just had watched a scary movie with you, so you accidentally walked into my room and I kept you safe from those scary thoughts" he continued. 

oh he thinks it was an accident 

"I remember" I nodded. "but that time, there was a pillow in between us" 

"we could do that again" he shrugged. and started to set the bed up. "go take a nice warm shower, get changed and by the time you're back, this bed will be as cosy as what it was like at that cabin" he said. 

"but I-

"go" he insisted 

a smile slowly formed on my lips as I turned around with the thought of him once again. I've never been in a relationship but I know that this is how guys should treat a girl. sorry girls but joey's mine. 

I did what he demanded and showered and got changed. when I was done, as he said, the bed was ready. he was on the other side of the bed already and by the way he looked, I could tell the bed was as cosy as he said he would be. 

I slipped into my bed and turned to the pillow in between us and stared at it blankly. not even a second and this pillow is boring me. 

"can we talk?" I heard him say. 

"what about?" I asked

"I dont know" he sighed. "about real stuff. I know I could always talk to you about these things because you always listen. and to me, thats a breath of fresh air" 

I turned to the ceiling and played on my back. "talk to me" a small smile curved on my lips

I heard him shuffle before he started. "well, my sister's boyfriend...I can tell he's not a good guy. I already told Sophia that but she wouldn't listen. she claims that she's in love with him but i'm just thinking, how can she be in love with a guy she met not even a week ago. is it love at first sight?" 

"I dont really believe in love at first sight" I told him. "because it's just the looks you can be in love with, not the person. the person can either be good or bad for you. if the person's good for you then thats probably love you're feeling. if you're just in love with the looks and not the personality...thats not really...love."

"did you fall for me because of my looks?" he asked

"Joey, you're really attractive. but if you were bad for me I would have not fallen for you. it's also your personality that makes you more attractive, not to be cheesy" I lightly giggled. 

"I dont like this pillow in between us" joey groaned. 


"I like seeing you laugh" he responded.

 there goes my heart flutter again. "you need a better reason then that" I smirked. 

"what if there was no reason at all?" before I could say anything, the pillow was taken away and thrown to the edge of the bed.

"well hello there, gorgeous" joey grinned

"you're a much better view than my pillow " 

end of chapter

are you shipping jasey?

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