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"I'm I just going to stand here or is someone going to answer my question?" the little boy continued and I looked at joey awkwardly to see him scratching the side of his cheeks which were redder than mine. well thats the first. all I wanted to know was what joey was going to say.could it be what I think he's trying to say? or was I about to get sent to the friend zone?

"they'll be ready after we take them out of the oven" I answered. "which is after I actually put them in the oven...which is after placing the dough on the tray, which is after I actually start making the cookie dough-"  stopped myself from saying anything else a I realise I haven't even started looking for the ingredients. joey is one heck of a distraction. I should really start on the cookies right now but my gut doesn't want to. all the thinking my head wants to think is how joey knew about my feelings towards him this whole freakin time! I want to jump in a hole. or worse. squirt shampoo in my eyes on purpose. if you say that doesn't hurt, you're lying.  

but I'm already blinded by joey's beauty...snap out of it, Casey, you pathetic rat butthole! as much as I tried to stop myself from thinking of what happened just a minute ago, I couldn't. it was glued to my mind. my mind wanted to look at joey again but I kept on stopping myself for safety reason. don't wanna burn my eyes if you know what I mean !

"so does that mean we're not getting any cookies-

"hush harry im in deep thought right now" I shut the little boy up in a hiss. I don't really like when people interrupt my thoughts. should I feel bad that I told a little boy to shut up?

"my name is Louis, miss" his voice came out shaky. "we're all still waiting on the milk as well. and the movie would start" he stuttered. Louis' pout and puppy eyes made me feel even more sorry for him and his classmates that they're missing out on their supper. my personality switched back to my calm self again where I wasn't overthinking and stress out about everything. this side of me was always happy. 

"I'm really sorry, Louis." I apologised. "a lot is on my mind right now..." I explained but his pout got even cuter. damnit! why did I have to choose to work with children and their bucket load of cuteness?!?

"I'll order pizza for you all while you guys pay and wait" I blurted then shut my eyes really tight, already regretting what I said. their parents are going to come at me after their find out I've been feeding their children junk food. 

a squeal escaped Louis' cheesy smile (no pun intended wink wink) 

seconds later, I felt a pair of small and thin arms wrap around my legs. "thank you, miss!" 

"anytime" I smiled, but this will be the last time I order them pizza

I cant risk getting fired.

I called the pizza place and ordered 5 large pizza boxes for the kids. 2 cheese, 1 margarita and 3 vegetarian. at least some kids are healthy. I wonder if this would be my future as a mother. ordering take away instead of actually cooking a healthy meal...oh crap I need to learn how to cook asap!

as we waited for the pizza to arrive I tried fixing the projector for the movie to play while the children peacefully coloured and stitched in the room next door where joey supervised them. 

joey. tell me why my heart flutters whenever his name pops up in my mind...which is literally all the time.

of course I kept on thinking about what happened in the kitchen because it's obviously a big deal to me. I don't care if he has already forgotten, all I cared about was the feeling of electricity between us I felt when I started straight into those eyes of his. I felt my legs start to wobble like jelly. 

dang I should have made jelly instead of attempt at cookies. 

a cough was heard at the door and I swung my head in that direction. not surprised, it was joey.

"hey uh...I-WOW what happened to your shirt" I awkwardly asked as I stared down at the shirt he unfortunately had on. sigh.

"the kids decided to paint on me and give me a makeover" he chuckled. he doesn't need a makeover!

"sorry about them. this is what I have to put up with" I smiled at the ground and shrugged, feeling his eyes on me once again. my cheeks heated up as he walked closer to me until he was right in front of me. 

"so about earlier..." he started and I instantly melted in embarrassment. I know this is not going to end up well. so I stopped him

"joey, you don't have to tell me a full speech of rejection" I said before he could continue. this led me looking back into his gorgeous eyes again and I sighed.  "its honestly okay. I understand why you don't feel the same. you just have to get use to theft that I will probably still have a crush on you so don't mind me always staring at you-

I stopped rambling once joey grabbed both of my wrist and held them in front of me making me shut up. we were close. very close. 

so close that I felt his breath on my lips. 

"of course I'd be okay with you liking me still" he whispered and I gulped quietly. his eyes darkened and his licked his lips. thats when I caught hm staring at mine. shizzle he's staring at my lips! que the fainting scene. 

as much as I felt like to faint, he was still hold me up which made me want to stay awake for this whole thing. 

"but I think it's Charles that we have to worry about" he rasped and I furrowed my eyebrows. 

"you're not going to tell him about me liking you right?" I stated which came out more as a beg. 

he lightly chuckled and looked back down at me. "of course not" he replied which made me feel relieved. thats also why I like him so much. joey is so trusting I dont think I've met anyone more trustworthy. I feel like I could tell him anything, everything and he'd still listen to every word. 

"but, Casey, you have to promise me something as well" he quietly spoke with pleading eyes. I felt my heart beating faster. 

"what is it?" I asked

"promise me you won't tell him that, I like you too" 

end of chapter 


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