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Get ready for tears, My readers ;_;

Ever since Jungkook left, Bangtan was messed up. Fans started leaving the army, Because of one reason; Jungkook.

BTS wasn't the same without their Maknae. There was no smiles on their faces in interviews. Without Jungkook; Bangtan was falling apart.

So the members had enough, They had to do something.

But, They didnt know they were too late.

3 ½ Weeks Later

Jungkook sat on the bathroom floor, Vomitting petals as Yugyeom sat beside him, Rubbing circles on his back.

Jungkook finally stopped and Yugyeom wiped his lips with a tissue.

The toilet was filled with roses, That were wilting away. Yugyeom sighed and helped Jungkook to his bed, Laying him down.

Jungkook passed out, And Yugyeom tucked him in. Playing with his hair afterwards.

“Jungkook.... You have to go back to them...” Yugyeom said, Smiling sadly and kissed his forehead.

“I know you miss them, I know you love them so much... You made a bad decision leaving them..”

He said, holding his hand and pressing his forehead to his.

“The disease will only get worst.. I wish you knew, Please... Go back to them... I dont want you to wither away..” Yugyeom kissed his forehead and walked out of the bedroom.

Jungkook suddenly woke up, And noticed a figure sitting on the end of his bed.

He squinted his eyes and fell off the bed, shreiking and the person placed a hand on his mouth.

“H-Hyung- What Are Y-”

Taehyung rolled his eyes and pulled on his arm.

“Lets go..”

“G-Go? Where?”

“Home.” Taehyung says, Tugging on Jungkooks hand but he pulled back, And Taehyung frowned.


“C'mon Jungkook, This is stupid. Come back ho-”

“I said NO!”

Taehyyng scoffed and crosses his arms.

“Quit being a brat, You have to come back”

Jungkook let out a sarcastic laugh, Making Taehyung cock an eyebrow.

“I cant.”

Jungkook says, Taehyung opened his mouth but Jungkook abruptly slapped his mouth, Making Taehyung flinch back.

“No. Let ME talk. If I go back there, Theres no point of calling it home if it doesnt feel like it. You know what? Try and stay in my place. Imagine the people you love fucking pushes you away and hurt you in ways you cant even FUCKING IMAGINE! I dont want to go back, I dont want to get hurt! I have had enough with you guys hurting me because, I hate IT. I HATE YOU GUYS FOR LOVING YOU IDIOTS! I AM SO FUCKING TIRED OF HEARING THE SAME WORDS AGAIN AND AGAIN. I AM SICK OF CRYING TO SLEEP EVERYNIGHT BECAUSE I CANT GET THE VOICES IN MY HEAD TO SHUT UP!”

Jungkook said, Tears streaming down on his Face as Taehyung watches him.

“Oh god.. I hate you hyungs so much, But I love you too Much..” Jungkook's voice cracked as he fell to the floor, hugging himself and Taehyung was about to walk to him but stopped.

“Y-You really do love us, dont you?” Those words cane out of Taehyungs mouth as he trembled, His heart clenched at the sight of the younger boy.

“J-Just plea-”

“Come back to us... Please”


“You dont understand Jungkook!” Taehyung was the one yelling this time, slamming his fist onto the wall.

“Our family , Its falling apart without you.. We cant even go through one day without feeling guilt, On the pit of our stomachs because We want you back.” Taehyung turned around, his back facing Jungkook.

“W-we dont even have breakfast, Lunch, dinner together anymore. We barely talk to each other because We knew its our fault because your like this, because your gone.”

Taehyung said, closing his eyes as tears treathened to fall.

“We love you okay? W-We really do.. We realized it on the day Bang PDNim told us, When we started falling apart, stupid right? I-I.. I love you..” Taehyung manages to say as his throat becomes dry and his lips were chapped.

“Please Jungkook come back, Your like a brother too me... I love you too...” Tarhyung said, Not aware of Jungkooks illness.

(A/N oohhh, Taehyung that was a really bad move to make-”)

But there was silence.

“J..Jungkook?” He finally opened his eyes to notice Jungkook on the floor, Blood spurting out of his mouth, followed by white and red petals, Flowers were escaping too from the boys lips too.


Taehyung gasped and covered his mouth with a hand, shaking Jungkook to wake up.

‘‘Jeon Jungkook, WAKE UP! HYUNGS! YUGYEOM! HELP ME!” Taehyung yells and the door bursted open.

~ ~ ~

An explanation;

Jungkook had Hanahaki disease, A disease where a person vomits out petals of flowers due to one sided love. Its could be only cured when the person gets surgery, But keep in mind that the petals disappear with the feelings, Or if the feelings are returned.

But for this book;

Jungkook is experiencing Hanahaki disease, Ever since his hyungs started abusing him and he finally left Bangtan.

He didnt know that if you ignore the pain, If you ignore it and dont remove it, You will die. You will wither away like a flower would do when they are dying.

What he didnt know, That his hyungs actually loved him, But, To him; He thinks that they just live him as a brother. He passes out, And Taehyung and the others rush him to the hospital. But, Sadly; They were too late.

-More explanation will be on the next chapter, A few more chapters, This book will be completed. This book has a sad ending and a good ending, so get ready for the tears.

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