Chapter 1: The Girl

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The girl looked out the window of her bedroom. It was raining heavily. Puddles of water formed in the muddy earth outside. She could see the bare rocks which the rain exposed, washing them clean of dirt and soot. She sighed. It hadn't rained in months. This was something uncommon in her area. According to her granny, rain is a blessing from God, something to be taken as a token of His kindness. The girl looked out the window some more, then sat on her bed. She checked her clock. It read 2:41pm. Great. Mid afternoon and she'd barely started assembling her school project. Shaking off her worries and thoughts, she walked towards the pieces of wood which her father had cut for her project. It lay in a nice, neat stack on the floor, waiting for her attention. Most likely her father brought it up to her bedroom as he said he would. Oh the ever loving father who would never let his daughter down, she thought fondly. With a deep breath, the girl took her granny's screwdriver, some nuts and bolts and began placing the pieces of wood into place.

About two hours later, the girl stood up with a sigh of relief and satisfaction. She smiled at her handiwork. Of course, her dad probably did half the job, but she chose the project and did the measurements. She was also responsible for providing evidence of her work by the due date. As her mind thought of ideas to add to the chest, she heard her mother's voice from downstairs.

"Slendrina! Granny wants to give you something! It's urgent!."

"Okay mum, no biggy. I'm coming!" the girl replied.

Although 'Slendrina' wasn't her real name, granny gave her this nickname, and ever since her family often called her that. Her parents gave her the name of Dareilla Ivy following her birth, but granny thought it was easier to identify her by 'Slendrina,' as her body composed of a slender build with soft, delicate skin. Dareilla quickly made her way down the stairs into the kitchen, where her mother and granny sat.

"Helen has a surprise for you," Angelene said enthusiastically.

"Yeah you told me that already," Dareilla replied.

"No, she told you I had an urgent gift for you, but she didn't say it was a surprise!" said Helen in her typical granny voice.

Dareilla rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Uhm, what is it?" she asked.

"Follow me to the backyard," Helen said motioning with her hand.

Dareilla stared at her mother and granny in confusion.

"You heard her," Angelene said, smiling. "It's in the backyard."

Dareilla stared at her mother for a second before following Helen into the yard. Helen opened the back door. "After you," she said.

"Uhm okay, what?" Dareilla said in confusion.

"Turn right. At the far wall," said Helen.

Dareilla did as she was told. "Uhm, I don't see anything..." She slowly turned her head and suddenly caught sight of a tiny house which looked like it could only fit a toddler.


"You don't like it?" asked Helen with a puzzled look.

"Hmm...wait what the heck?!" replied Dareilla in bewilderment.

"Is everything okay?" Angelene called from the kitchen.

"What's this supposed to mean?" Dareilla replied.

Angelene appeared next to granny. "Slendrina, your granny here decided to get you a playhouse."

"What for..."

"I thought you liked playhouses, but now I realise I might've made the wrong choice. I should've known you better," said Helen.

"No, no, I do like playhouses!" Dareilla said. "But, don't you think I'm a little too old for this? I'm 16!"

Slendrina: A Short Story (R-18+)Where stories live. Discover now