Chapter 3: Simon's Death

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Simon's arrival was punctual. He'd been to this part of Scotland more than enough times to know the roads inside out. He arrived to find his daughter talking with her friends at the carpark. Dareilla was such a good daughter. I never keep her waiting, and she never keeps me waiting, he thought. Her friends looked pretty decent and friendly too. He could see that they were enjoying themselves. He decided he would give them more time to talk, since Dareilla didn't seem to have any close friends back home.

Dareilla and her two girl friends giggled. Evan smirked.

"You gals are quite cute whenever you giggle!" he remarked.

More giggles. "Why so?" asked Cadence.

"Well, uhm, it just gets me off!" he replied.

The three girls blushed, chuckling as they did so.

"In your dreams, honey," Dareilla remarked with a smile. She paused for a moment. "Isn't my dad meant to be here already? It's 2:41."

"Shoot him a message," Kristen adviced. "He could be running late."


Simon was sitting lazily in the driver's seat when his phone buzzed.

1 new text message: from Daughter.

"Hi dad, are you running late? Waiting for you at the front carpark." -Slendrina

Simon texted back. "I've been here since 2:30. I'm parked 3rd row from the front. Come when ready." -Dad

Dareilla's phone buzzed. "Oh my gosh, he's been waiting for me for the past 15 minutes! I better get going!"

Evan, Kristen and Cadence turned to look at her.

"What?" exclaimed Evan.

"My dad. He has been waiting for me since 2:30."


"Then I guess you're going?" asked Kristen.

"Yeah, sadly."

"When are you coming back?" Cadence asked.

"I'm not sure. Maybe in a month or two?"

"Bring it in," said Cadence. Dareilla gave a hearty hug to each of her friends.

"I'll miss you guys. I love you guys so much," said Dareilla, a tear falling to her cheek.

"We'll miss you too," said Evan.

"Stay safe," said Kristen.

"And happy. Stay safe and happy!" Cadence said.

"Yeah," Dareilla replied. "Take care of yourselves."

"Same to you," Kristen replied.

"Keep in touch, yeah?" asked Evan.

"Yeah. Okay I'll see you guys soon!" Dareilla gave one final hug to each of her friends and left for her dad's truck.

Simon continued to sit in the most relaxed, laziest position in his silver Toyota HiLux. He'd bought this pickup for utility purposes, mainly for transporting cargo and managing the amount of plant matter around his house. He soon heard familiar footsteps. He looked ahead to see his daughter coming towards him.

"Hi dad," Dareilla said with a smile.

"Hello. How was your day at school?"

Dareilla closed the front passenger door and put on her seatbelt. "School has been reaaaally goooood!"

"Good. You had a good time talking to your friends?"


Simon put on his seatbelt and started the engine. "I arrived here at 2:30 but saw you with your friends, so I decided to give you more time to talk since you only see them once every two months," he said, reversing the truck.

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