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Dareilla's eyes flashed open. She looked around in confusion. She was back in the morgue. The guards were gone. Didn't she die? Perhaps not. Maybe the guards left her to rot, to starve to death. But she felt different. Strange, she thought. She walked around the room, taking the time to have a good look at each body, at their lifeless faces, until she came across one. That face. It resembled her.

"What?!" Dareilla screamed. It can't be her, can it? The jaw of the woman was hung open, blood all over her...white dress. A pair of panties lay between the woman's legs. The woman's hair, her face, it was all too familiar. The corpse of the girl looked to be no older than seventeen. Dareilla quickly ran out of the morgue. Seeing guards and nurses ahead, she avoided them. She ran into a public bathroom, looking at herself in the mirror...but there was no one there. Was she dead? If that is the case, did that mean that no living person could see her? She ran out of the bathroom. A group of guards coming her way up ahead. Dareilla decided to put her theory to the test. The guards didn't react to the sight of her, instead, they calmly walked right through her! Right. I'm dead, she thought. I'm dead and I'm still in this shit hole, what they call an asylum. Why? She was dead, but she wasn't reunited with her family. A man in a white robe pushing a trolley of food was coming her way. She stood in the middle of the corridor. Even in death, her hatred for the world wasn't satisfied. As soon as the trolley was within reach, Dareilla shot out her hand, crashing the trolley into a side of the corridor. Trays of food cluttered to the ground. The man stared at her in disbelief. Right. So now he can see her. What is this, a joke? A playground for the dead? Immediately she snapped the man's neck, killing him. Groups of guards appeared all of a sudden, blocking her escape front and back. Oh, not this again. Except this time they wouldn't be chasing her. She would be chasing them. So the hunter becomes the hunted, she thought. She would've smiled if she could, but alas, her jaw was forever hung open. The guards pointed their guns in all directions like fools, and didn't have time to react when Dareilla snapped their necks, one at a time. Time to get out of here, she thought. I need to find the bodies of my parents.

Two years passed. The house which belonged to Simon, Angelene and Dareilla, now lies abandoned. Dareilla walked through the house. She sighed. It was now known as one of the most haunted houses in Scotland, and it had become a tourist attraction for the town. No one ever dared to set foot in it though. A year ago, she placed her skull with the skulls of her father and mother in a wooden chest, together with a family photograph, hoping that her parents, the people whom she loved the most in the world, would finally be at rest.

Dareilla heard the sound of the front door creak open. What on Earth is going on?! She thought. Had her family returned?! She floated to the entrance, only to see a flashlight attached to a man, who looked to be in his mid 30s. The man immediately turned away, and Dareilla's surroundings changed. She was in a different part of the house. Not this again. Another person who needs to be taught a hard, life lesson.


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