chapter one

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Hiding behind a tinted window, frost beginning to form on the edges of the pane as the weather cools down. Fauna that was just flourishing the other day either had been chopped or had withered away.

Crisp cool air flutters its way into the room through the closed door. She sat at the window-seat, the window which is barely visible to anybody unless you knew where to look. Her hands enveloping her most favored books out of her hundreds her parents had bought her, Around the World in Eighty Days.

Her love for this book was obvious, it allowed her to experience the world, the world she has always been hidden from. The world that was said to be a cruel dark place, and was controlled by ruthless and hideous beasts who reign over humans much less fortunate. Which she very much believes, the stories that sat on their bookshelves contained many different adventures, mysteries, romances with antagonist and protagonist all being displayed differently. Although they both antagonists and protagonists  come in many different forms and sizes, she had learned that the cruelest of them all were the humans, but her stories weren't the only place she had learned this. Her various lessons of human history with her tutor, Ms. Flint had shown her the cruelness of dictators and human power.

They showed her how controlling and manipulative humans were and still are, but despite all this, she still believed that there was also good outside of these hollow halls and rooms, that there was more to the outside world than what her parents had told her.

She removes her gaze from her book and looks down into the empty, snow-covered garden. It looked like something she doesn't fully understand or know. Despite being outside and being exposed to others as little as possible to humans she still somewhat knew what emotions were despite barely ever experiencing them or being able to understand them.

"Emotions are a strong feeling deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others." Her fingers had gone along each word as she spoke them.

"Ms. Flint, will I ever be able to experience this?" Her 11-year-old voice asked

Ms. Flint had turned around at the sudden words and looked intently at the little girls chubby, pale face looking and scanning for answers in the bright blue eyes that belonged to the little girl.

"My, my, my, I thought you were an intellectual Amaris, you must know you've experienced emotion before"

The 11-year old's face looked up away from the thick book she was holding in her hands and cocked her head to the side. As she lifted her thumb to her lips, a puzzled expression slowly began to warp onto her face.

Ms. Flint had always disagreed with Amaris's parent's way of keeping her closed off from the world. She had always believed and will forever believe that Amaris was a sweet child who should have the opportunity to meet new people, experience new emotions, not the very limited emotions Amaris had felt which had always been on the blue side and Ms. Flint had realized much before Amaris had asked her this question that Amaris probably had no idea what emotions were because she hadn't probably felt anything other than the blue and grey emotions she was allowed to feel. Ms. Flint sighed and shook her head with a strained smile.

"Okay, next topic, History, who is-"

The words linger in Amaris's mind "Emotions are a strong feeling deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others".

Faint knocks tap on the white wooden double doors, a voice had beckoned to Amaris prior to the knock but she didn't answer, she hadn't wanted to answer.

"Just a moment," she calls out.

It was silent, except for the whistling of trees, it was dead silent. The person on the other side of the door had followed the command and was waiting to be ordered once more.

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