Chapter 10: Disturbance in G Minor

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Chapter 10: Disturbance in G Minor

Alex stood in the center of an empty street. Destruction of buildings and cars surrounded him as the sky burned in a hue of crimson red. Several explosions went off down the road. As the smoke cleared, Alex saw an armored figure come into view. The figure was covered in ash and was hard to make out, all that Alex could see clearly was a large x emblazoned on the figure's primarily black chest armor.

Alex tried to run but his feet were frozen in place and he could not force himself to move. As he stood helplessly, two more armored figures appeared seemingly out of nowhere between him and the figure.

Alex stood puzzled, "... more riders?"

One wore heavy green armor with a dark grey trim and black suit covering the gaps in his armor. His helmet feature a large green u shaped visor with a mark that resembled some sort of key. He held a large hammer with an equally large blade on the back of it.

The other looked to be female and wore much lighter armor that was primarily yellow with a lighter grey trim and a white suit covering the gaps. Her mask seemed to resemble that of a bird with a large blue visor taking up a majority of her helmet. She, unlike the other, looked to be unarmed although she appeared to have what looked like three large blades hanging off the back of her belt.

The two stared down at the figure covered in ash as he glared back at them.

At the drop of hat, the two parties charged towards each other as Alex could merely watch in awe. The yellow rider threw a punch at the figure marked with an x as the figure grabbed her arm and threw her over his shoulder. As the girl in yellow slammed into a totaled car, the green rider slammed his hammer into the figure's face knocking him to the ground.

The green rider raised his hammer high up into the air to deliver the finishing blow. As he swung his hammer down onto the figure, it came to a halt just short of it's target. The figure had managed to block the green rider's swing with his bare fist and was holding it up just above his face. In one quick movement, the figure pushed the green rider's hammer aside and jumped back up on his feet.

Out of where, the yellow rider leapt into the air and threw a downward kick to the figure covered in ash. Before she hit her mark however, the figure vanished into thin air as the yellow rider smacked the ground where he once stood. The two riders stayed on their guard, looking for where the figure could have disappeared to.

At the second, the figure reappeared in the air and threw a downward kick at the yellow rider, hitting her square in the chest. The yellow rider fell to the ground and exploded on impact. Upon witnesses his comrades demise, the green rider pulled the panels covering the head of his hammer back as the blade on the back flipped over to the front of the hammer switching it into a battle axe.

Without a second though, the green rider charged at the figure swinging his axe for the figure's shoulder. In a mere instant, the figure grabbed the axe by it's handle and ripped it from green rider's hands. In one fell swoop the figure swung the axe up and brought it down hard on the green rider, engulfing the in a ball of fire.

When the fire cleared, only the figure covered in ash was left standing and all that was left of the two riders were scraps of their armor scattered across the ground.

The figure threw the axe to the ground and began to walk towards Alex.

"NO!" Alex exclaimed as he shot out from his bed smacking his head into a metal bar that made up part of the bed frame. "OWWW!" He shouted as he fell onto the floor. He paused for a moment and looked around to see that the surroundings of the ruined city had been replaced by his bedroom. He sighed, "Just a dream."

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