↠ chap. 01

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Congratulations! You have been accepted to attend the annual K-pop dance competition! If you win this competition, not only do you receive 1,000,000 USD, but also a form for you to sign. If you win, you can enter whichever company you want!

1st place: 1,000,000 USD & company choice & holiday in Japan, Osaka

2nd place: 500,000 USD & holiday in Japan, Osaka

3rd place: 250,000 USD & luxury hotel

The event will take place in South Korea, Seoul in JYP entertainment. The event will also start on the 20th of November but please arrive South Korea by the 15th to adjust to the timezone (no matter where you live).

Good luck and may the best group win!

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Mori stares at her screen in complete shock. She truly believed that they wouldn't get in, and yet they did.

She checked the calendar too.

October 25th.

A childish grin split across her face as she shut her laptop and jumped around her house, shrieking in both disbelief and excitement.

She ran into her room in search of her phone to call her members.

Digging into her room, she pulled out her phone in happiness, unlocking it immediately and calling Sky.


"Sky! Oh my god!" Mori shouts in excitement.

"What? What's happening," Sky asks worriedly. "Are you okay?"

"Oh my god, we got in." Mori breathes deeply.

It was silent from the other line.


"Are you serious?" Sky asks slowly. "You're not kidding right?"

"No, I'm not kidding!" Mori's smile was the biggest it had ever been. She felt ready to burst into tears.

There was a squeal from the other line.

"I can't believe it!" Sky shrieks. "Oh my god, I need to tell my parents, talk to you later, bye!"


Then the call ended.

Wait, I need to tell my parents too. Mori thought to herself before a small grin appeared on her face. They didn't think I would be able to do it.

Mori decided that her parents could wait, she had to tell Zozo first.

Z o z o ' s P O V

"Shut up, Ally!" I laughed to cover up my annoyance. "You're so annoying!"

Ally pouted.

"I just miss Mori, okay?" Ally had a mini tantrum.

Leah laughed at Ally and me while Kayla and Raven were on their phones, texting away.

Kayla looked up from the screen to see what all the commotion was about but when she saw it was just Ally and I arguing, she rolled her eyes and looked down at her phone again.

My phone vibrated all of a sudden, snapping me out of my trance.

I checked the caller ID and smiled a bit in relief.

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