"Make sure to text me when you get there!" My mom shouts as I run out the door with my duffel bag. I am going to the lake! Finally! Even though he-who-shall-not-be-named is gonna be there also, I have been looking forward to this mini vacation.
I pop on my hot pink aviators as I open the door to Jay's huge car. Well, it's not his car. It is his family's, but we are allowed to borrow it for the lake. Jay has a big family. There's him, his parents, three younger sisters, and two younger brothers. I imagine road trips are a pain for him.
Jay is older than the rest of us. His mom had other childeren to take care of when it was time to enroll him in preschool. He waited until the following year to start school. Therefore, he has his driver's liscense.
I climb into the back and am greeted by a chorus of “Hello”s and "Hey Addie"s.
I greet my friends in turn and plop down in a seat next to Lily, who is sitting between me and Foster. They seriously need to hook up. They're both too awkward and shy around each other for anything to come out of their romantic feelings towards each other. Maybe all they need is a little push...
I'll construct a plan later.
On the hour and a half drive to the lake Lily sings, "We're going to the lake! We're going to the lake! Yipee! Yipee!". Loudly. In my left ear. Again and again.
"Off." Alexx says suddenly to Lily, turning around in her shotgun seat on the left side of the car.
"Huh?" Lily asks confused.
"I turned you off. No more singing."
"Hey! But I must share my voice with the world! And I am just excited, 'kay? Don't be such a killjoy, Alexx!" Lily says.
"Me? killjoy? Nuh-uh!"
"Whatever you say..." Lily says raising her hands in defense and contines to hum the tune of her lake song.
As we get closer to the lake and further from the suburbs and cities, houses get farther apart and older. There is a lot more green grass and some roads are unpaved. Only some crappy gravel that makes the car bump us all up and down. When the windows are rolled down because of the hot, stuffy area, the air I breathe in is so much fresher than the air at home! Mmmmmm. Birds chirp loudly and peacefully. Butterflies fly around the large, open, fields and we begin to see the beginning of the lake.
Not far from that point, we make a turn into a small, narrow dirt road. Jay parks the car and we all get out of the crammed vehicle, slamming the car doors. We are here, at the lakehouse!
My limbs are numb and stiff, but a nice stretch fixes everything, luckily.
There are no other cars here, so Noah hasn't gotten here yet. Thank goodness he won't be hovering around me all of the time.
I text my overprotective mother to let her know we arrived safely and then walk into the large house with my friends.
Even though the house is large, the bedrooms are sparse, so the girls will all sleep in one room and the boys in the other.
In the girls' room, there is a tiny plasma TV, some windows overlooking the beautiful lake and the surrounding cliffs, and a small bedside table with a cute lamp. Why somebody would ever watch TV here beats me. I am spending every moment in the water!
The room has two pairs of bunkbeds and one large queen bed. Everyone goes for the queen at once.
"Hey guys, this is my bed, I'm hostess!" Cassie claims, plopping her duffel down on the queen.
"I'm pregnant and need a comfortable bed for a good sleep." Amber says pushing Cassie's duffle off and putting her own in the bed's center.
"I'm me. I'm awesome. And if I don't get the bed I will be extremely grumpy in the morning." Alexx says pushing of Amber's luggage and replacing it with her own.
"What the heck?" Amber says pissed off.
"Not my fault you're with child because you're too stupid to use protection. You shouldn't be rewarded for it!" Alexx retaliates.
"Guys, guys. Let's compromise. I'll take the bed since all of you are fighting over if." Lily says, removing Alexx's luggage and putting on her own.
Whatever. I put my stuff down on the top bunk of the bunkbed pair to the left of the room.
I don't really know who ends up getting the queen, but I know it's not me. Judging by the smirk on Alexx's face, I figure it's all hers.
We unpack our swimsuits and change into them. Mine is a bandeau (with straps-I'm not that stupid) with a knot tied in the middle. The color is a raspberry pink to highlight my skintone.
Alexx steps out in a plain black bikini. She somehow manages to make it look...not boring and plain.
Amber is in a bright orange tankini. Only a tiny bump shows, but she is really self conscious about her pregnancy.
Lily is in a multi-colored top with matching floral bikini bottoms and Cassie wears a light pink and black plaid Hurley two piece.
They all look amazing, I notice, as we lather on our sunscreen. Wouldn't want any skin cancer now!
Cassie and Danny have their boating lessons, so they take turns driving the vehicle.
The boys hop on the two tubes first with Danny and Foster on one tube and Jay on the other.
Cassie steers the boat away from the dock and slowly drives us through the no wake zone. The no wake zone is a place where boats have to go slow because it's a very narrow. A while back, two boats collided here and there were injuries and deaths involved. Basically, the no wake zone is to prevent this from happening again and to keep everybody safe.
As soon as we get out of the zone, Cassie presses her foot to the gas and we speed away. The wind whips my hair around and I have to keep pulling pieces from my mouth. I reach out and skim my hand along the water as we travel swiftly through the lake.
Apparently, Cassie's speed is not fast enough for the boys. "Faster, Cassie! This is too easy." Foster teases, standing up on the tube. He wobbles a little from the effort.
Cassie takes the message to heart and speeds the boat up even more. Foster was obviously not expecting this much of an increase in speed because he goes flying backwards into the water. We all wear life jackets while tubing so Foster just bobs up and down waiting for Cassie to circle back around, so he can grab another one of the red tubes.
"Was that fast enough for you, Foster?" Cassie asks with a smirk.
Foster rolls his eyes, and pulls himself up onto Jay's tube because it is the closest to him. Getting back on the tube, for me, is the hardest part. It helps to have someone to help you up onto the tube. Gripping the tube handles is also hard, though. It makes my fingers white from clenching them so hard at times, especially when Danny does donuts!
On our boating trips, we have a rule about tubing. After three group members fall out, boys and girls switch.
The boys called first dibs on the tubes this time, but I want to go so badly! I love tubing and all the other lake activities. One down, two to go.
"Ugh! Guys, I have the biggest dilemma here." Amber says.
"What?" I ask.
"I can't decide whether or not to wear my sunglasses!"
"Wear them, duh. Seriously, Barbie? It makes the ride so much more pleasurable and squinting will give you wrinkles. And you'll have enough of those on your stomach." Alexx says.
"Alexx!" I scold her.
"That's what tummy tucks are for, sweetie. And what I meant was, I don't want a sunglasses tan! Those are so freaky and weird!" Amber says.
I notice Jay lose his footing on the tube as Cassie makes a sharp turn to avoid an oncoming boat. He is just holding onto the handles, making pitter-patter sounds across the water. Half of his body is submerged in the lake. He tries to pull himself back up, but even the muscular Jay's efforts are in vain.
Okay, two down, one to go. All I need is one more fall. One more!
"Maybe I'll wear the sunglasses half the time!" Amber says.
"Just wear them on the boat because unless you have a dorky strap like Danny has that goes around your head, you can't wear them while you are tubing." Cassie advises Amber.
"Can we change the conversation now? You people bore me." Alexx says grumpily.
"Oh my gosh." Amber says suddenly.
"What the hell?" says Alexx.
"What?" Cassie says taking a look in her rear view mirror.
"Don't look now, but that insane boyfriend of yours is going by his feet, backwards!" Lily says.
"This is new." I comment.
"Danny, what are you doing?" Cassie shouts to him.
"YOLO!" Danny yells back! (A/N As I mentioned earlier, YOLO is a famous abbreviation that stands for "You Only Live Once")
"He's got his feet in the footholds now!" Lily notes.
"Doubt that they'll stay there." Cassie says.
A boat with a bunch of college-aged girls passes by and give Danny a wave as they drive away. Danny returns the gesture which makes Cassie a bit jealous, I think.
A newly angered Cassie does a series of twists and turns that send the tubes flying all over the place. Eventually, one of Danny's footholds slips and he bellyflops into the dark blue water.
"Cassie, you're brilliant! Couldn't you have done that sooner, though?" Alexx says hopping off the back of the boat and swimming out to the tube with Jay and Foster on it.
"Move," she orders, pushing them off of the tube. She likes tubing just as much as I do, if not more.
"Nice going, Cassie!" I compliment her.
"Let’s go!" shouts Lily excitedly as she hops into the water.
"Amber, you coming?" I ask her.
"Nah, I'm good, I'll just stay here, but thanks for asking. You're too sweet."
"Okay. Welcome!" I say as I plop into the chilly lake and swim off to the empty tube where Danny once laid backwards on.
After exchanging a few words with Danny, Cassie joins me on my tube and Lily and Alexx share a tube. This is an odd combination because Lily and Alexx haven't exactly been getting along all that well lately. Lily is all cheery, bubbly, and loud and Alexx is bothered by it at all.
Danny hops onto the driver's seat and gives us all a warning to hold on tight. Danny always goes super fast!
The boat starts up again and we are FLYING! If this were a cartoon, I bet my skin would be flying behind me by now and I would be a skeleton.
Danny swings left and right and we speed up and slow down. He is such a reckless driver! We narrowly miss colliding with a wakeboarding guy. It's good that we practically have these waters to ourselves.
"You guys are too good at this!" Jay complains.
"Would someone just fall off already?" Foster says.
"Hey, we're pros. We can't help that we're awesome tubers." Cassie yells back.
"You may never get to ride the tubes again at the rate we're going!" Lily shouts with a smile.
"We'll see about that." Danny says, smirking. He pushes his foot down even farther on the gas and makes even more donuts.
Lily looks like she is about to fall off. I hear Alexx say, "I want to stay on this tube as long as possible. If you fall off, you stay off."
Alexx helps Lily get back onto the tube in the right position, but while she is doing so she only has her right hand on the tube. Alexx is on the left side of the tube with only her right hand holding on , so when Danny makes a sharp left turn, Alexx ends up falling off instead of Lily.
The boys cheer, happy that they are making progress in their quest to ride the tubes again.
Alexx swims back over to the tube Lily is sitting on.
"I'm sorry, but pros only on this tube. If you can't stay on, you're not welcomed here." Lily says, throwing Alexx's words right back at her.
"B*tch! I was trying to help you!" Alexx says angrily grabbing onto Lily's feet and trying to pull her into the waters. Lily's hands are tightly clenched around the handles, so Alexx's efforts are in vain. Alexx dips underwater for a while.
"What the heck..." says Foster.
"Ahhhhhhhh!" We hear Lily scream as the tube is flipped and she falls off.
"That counts!" Danny says happily.
"No it doesn't" Amber says from the boat.
"You're an idiot, Danny. No offense." Alexx says.
"When someone say no offense it’s always offensive." Danny says, sighing as Alexx and Lily scramble back onto the tube.
"One more to go!" Foster shouts as Danny speeds away again.
"We're doing great!" Cassie tells me.
"I know, right?" I agree with Cassie.
"Hey, Danny, make sure to avoid that big log." I hear Amber say in the boat.
"Amber, I don't think that's a log." Jay says.
"SNAKE!" Lily shrieks.
"Calm down Lily!" Alexx says.
"What do we do! What do we do? This is a disaster! A catastrophe! It's coming for me! It's going to sink its jaws into me and either eat me alive or poison me until a scalpel has to be used on me! Oh I do hate sharp objects! GET ME OFF OF THIS TUBE THIS INSTANT. HELP! HELP!" Lily freaks out.
"Chill, Lil. I'm gonna reverse the boat." Danny says as he looks behind himself and drags the boat in reverse. The boat runs over the snake and the motor starts to make weird sounds.
"That's just gross." Cassie comments.
"That's gotta be bad for the motor." says Jay.
"Hey, start the boat back up. I'm still tubing." Alexx shouts at Foster.
"Okay, okay. Have some patience Alexx!" Foster replies.
"Not really my thing." says Alexx.
We tube for a little while longer until it starts to storm. We immediately get off of the tubes and drive the boat home because the water is not a good place to be when there is lightning.
We go back to the lake house and change into sweatpants and t-shirts. We decide to play a board game as we wait for the storm to pass.
"Apples to Apples, CandyLand, Scattergories, Imaginiff-" reads Lily.
"Imaginiff!" We all shout. Imaginiff is our lake house tradition! We play it at night or whenever it rains. It's this insanely fun game. You write names on the board with an Expo marker and roll two dice. Your roll determines which person the question will be about-not how many spaces each player moves.
For instance, Cassie's name was landed on first.
"Imaginiff Cassie were a dance. What type of dance would she be?" reads Danny. We vote on which dance we think Cassie would be. Majority wins.
The cards spark interesting reactions from us. The boys start to belly dance when Danny reads that as one of the options for type of dance.
Everyone picks ballet because Cassie is a ballerina.
After we play Imaginiff, we are all pretty hungry. Skipping lunch takes it's toll and we start to make a huge dinner. The boys grill hotdogs and hamburgers, Amber heats up her homemade Mac & Cheese, Lily makes some cornbread, Cassie prepares iced tea, I make a salad, and Alexx "supervises" us.
We eat dinner outside on a patio facing the lake. Crickets are chirping and you can make out the sound of a bullfrog in the distance.
"Hey guys, what's a dinner without dessert?" Jay asks. He holds up a box of graham crackers, marshmallows, and some Hershey's chocolate.
"S'mores!!!" Lily shrieks.
"I'll get the firewood!" Danny hops out of his seat.
"I'll come with you!" Lily volunteers.
"I'll go grab a lighter." says Alexx.
"I'll get some sticks for roasting the marshmallows." says Jay.
Cassie, Foster, and I dig a firepit with some shovels. Amver collects some leaves because they are highly flammable and help a fire get started quickly.
In only ten minutes, we have a nice, warm bonfire. We place our lawn chairs around the fire in a circle and pass around the marshmallows. We roast two at a time.
I snag a few pieces of chocolate and four graham crackers for my first s'mores masterpieces and enjoy the marshmallowey, chocolatey, graham crackery goodness.
"This is so good." says Amber, who has stuffed her face with four or five s'mores already.
"Delicious!" I say.
"This was a really fun day, guys!" Cassie says.
"I love this place." says Foster.
"Thanks for having us Cassie." says Jay and we all mutter our agreements.
"Anytime! Weekends at the lake are the best!" Cassie says.
Two hours later we all go to bed because we have another eventful day, here at the lake, tommorow!
also, read this really cool new short story on wattpad! if you wanna read a unique fiction story go to mysterynarwhalgirl and check out her profile! you guys can give corrective criticism and compliments to help the writer become even better! if you wanna make a cover for her too i would greatly appreciate it! i like make covers. it's kind of fun, don't you think? it's really late where I am. I just got a twitter a few days ago and if this were twitter (not that i would actually write this on twitter) i would say #bedtime. BYE!!!oh and i wanna make a name for my fans. like beliebers for JB, and monsters for Lady Gaga, any ideas???

The Makeover
Teen FictionUgly. That's what she was. And then a year later, she's stunningly beautiful. Beautiful is an understatement actually. What do you do if the girl you teased is suddenly the hottest thing to ever walk the earth? Addison learns that when you suddenly...