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There is a thing over my head

That I can't control

I'm in way over my head

Yet I can't escape

You can't help anymore

You've all you could

I have to battle my dragons

All by myself

Push everyone away

Leave me alone

Pull up the defenses

Got to put on the mask

Keep up the facade

It's not fun...

I can't trust you to keep my secret

I've hidden it for sooo long

It's a part of me

I trusted you

You ripped me apart

Left me in pieces

All along the floor

You pleaded

But how can I trust you again?

You left me there

Left me for the wolves

Now you're begging for mercy

My heart's in pieces

You're begging me for help

I'mm standing on the sidelines

Reliving each moment

Each day

I know what going to happen

I know each beating

Each slap

I can't prevent you

I'm here only in spirit

Watching you defoul my body

Watching me

Watching you

Blood trickles on the floor

Creeping under the door

It's sooo hard to watch

But I can't turn away

The sticks come out

I watched your face changed

The animistic expression

You changed

Beating the life out of me

You can't help but watch

Each gruesome expression

Each one more brutal than the last

My heart goes out

You think that you've escaped the law

Think you're above it

Help me...

You were there when I pleaded

You took no notice

Why should I?

I should be better than you

But it hurts so bad

The scars remain on the inside

The time I was abandoned

On the garden path aged four

The cold settling in

Crying my eyes out

Waking up the neighbours

Your frequent lies

I didn't realise she was out there

Yet you never brought me in

You left me out there

With the forecast set to snow

You left me

Eventually, he came home

Brouught me in

Fed me

He brought me up

When you were too lazy too

I look up to him

He took the beating for me

He stood up for me

He took me out

Sheltered me

I watch from the sidelines

Blood spills from his lips

Gashes open

The excuses

I ran into a door

I tripped

I'm soo clumsy

I got into a fight

But we know the truth

He did it for me

He protected me

I pleaded with you

Leave him

But you said....

Let him learn the error of his ways

We don't dare speak up

Leave me alone

Put up the face

Do the bravado

Make up a fictional life

Where we live happily

Never invite anyone home

It's too dangerous

Don't take it personal...

I've just got a problem

The beatings keep on coming

I dare not speak out

For fear of retribution

He's my savior

I look up to him

I'm closer to him rather than anyone else

My brother

Not you

Daddy dear...

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