There aren't many of us
Less than what you chose to believe
We don't harm you
Why do you harm us?
We don't kill,hurt or maim...
You still kill us off like we're flies
You think we're animals
But they have a roof over their heads
Food to eat
Respected by all...
What do we have?
Nothing we have
Yet you still aren't satisfied
Gun in your hands
Blood lust in your eyes
Aiming with accuracy
Another life lost
We aren't cattle.
You shoot down so often
We are humans
We deserve rights
You have no right
To take our rights away from us
We are human!
We are one!
You don't care
You kill needlessly
What shall we do?
I know...
Let's kill you
One little problem with that solution
We'll become one of you
And I wouldn't wish that
Not even on my enemies
So why my friends and family?
Go away!
Leave us alone!
Leave us in peace!
Destroy your guns!
Become one with others
Don't kill for pleasure!
Don't kill in defense!
Don't kill in defense!
Don't kill by accident!
Don't kill if you know it's wrong
Even if you have an instinct telling you"It's fine
Just don't
For the sake of the community
Don't kill anymore
Live in peace and see
Everyone around you will give up the thirst for blood
They'll live in harmony
At one with nature
If you know the benefits of doing such a deed
Why won't you?
Why can't you?
Why don't you?
Now please
For the sake of your humanity
For the sake of other's humanity
For humanity itself
Do this humble deed
Make the world a better place
For you
For me
For us
For this whole generation
And all the others yet to come
Be humble
Be respectful
Think before you do
Think of the Pros and Cons
You know I'm right
So do it
For the world
To coexist in unity
To be at one with the things that live inside
To do this - We need peace...